MovieChat Forums > Insomnia (1998) Discussion > Compared to Al Pacino version?

Compared to Al Pacino version?

How good is this film in comparison to the American Robin Williams/Al Pacino version? I've heard its much darker, but is it any better/worse?



I agree with igorincolour 100%. A lot of people in this thread seem to feel that the remake is more cliche, but I totally disagree. Sure, it is more polished in many regards, however that doesn't make it more cliche. The remake has far more depth to the story as igor alludes to. I think a lot of people have actually really missed some of the deeper aspects of Nolan's story. Both films are quite haunting, but Nolan's is far more personal and haunting to every single person who has ever strayed from the straight and narrow, (Which of course is every single one of us at least to some degree.). I don't think many viewers understand the depth of Nolan's version very well however. They easily dismiss it as just another piece of polished Hollywood garbage without really looking and thinking about it much. Nolan's film you must think about to really understand its deeper meaning, (Which is very haunting if fully understood.), whereas this original basically spells out every single thing for the viewer, (Contrary to what some have said here.). I don't agree that this version is darker either, that again is a lack of perception. Nolan's version while more polished overall is definitely the darker tale in the end. I like Nolan's version better obviously, but I like both versions a lot. They are very different, there are many similarities but the stories in fact are very different. I definitely recommend watching both.

My body's a cage, it's been used and abused...and I...LIKE IT!! [Evil2]
