Green theme

Did anyone else notice that there was a ton of the color green in this movie? The mansion, everyone's clothes, etc. I was thinking that it represents envy and the world of the rich.... when Finn becomes a fisherman and then moves to New York, he's wearing more blues/grays... and as soon as he gets involved with Estella again it all goes back to green.

Anyone else notice this / have any thoughts?


I didn't notice until I read the comments about it. Went back, yep, green everywhere. What I did notice is that at the very end of the movie, on the dock of the mansion when they meet again, Estella has her hair like the one picture he drew in his room that she saw and said, "I don't wear my hair like that anymore" and he replied that she should.

My Blu-ray Collection


As long as it wasn't eco-weenie green.

"They sucked his brains out!"
