MovieChat Forums > The Fifth Element (1997) Discussion > What to do with an empty case. You can ...

What to do with an empty case. You can do lots of things with an empty case

Gary Oldman being a dumb numbnuts doesnt even know what to do with an empty case.

Theres plenty of things to do with an empty case where an empty case woiuld be useful for


Okay, so, prithee, name some things that one can do what an empty case that one can do with a case that was supposed to contain “Not one, or two, or three, or four, but FIVE STONES?!” Really, wanna hear this, in the context of The Fifth Element. Luggage, maybe?

Useful for what? For what containing what it was CONTRACTED to contain?


you can put other stuff in an empty case or lock box besides frikkin "Magic" sci fi stones for crying out loud


Whatever he was going to do with the empty case, it needed to be worth handing over 4 crates of cutting edge sci-fi magic bullet assault weapons.


It's 4 stones, not 5.
