MovieChat Forums > The Fifth Element (1997) Discussion > Does it seriousherly not bother any one ...

Does it seriousherly not bother any one that?

Bruce Willis is 20 years older than Milla Jovovich. Did that not come off as just a a bit creepy to anyone but me.


Can't speak for anyone else, but it never entered my mind while watching the movie.


Good Times, Noodle Salad


I'm 43 and my girlfriend is less then half my age. Yes it was very weird for me the first year, until I realized how well we fit together and how stupid it would be to break up only because of age. I now feel completely normal abaut it, no creepiness.


He's nearly 30 years older than me and I'd sleep with him.

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Nah, it's a movie and they're characters, he's a bad-ass human and she's an alien. Didn't seem out of place to me


It's just a movie and don't they do this all the time? How many lead male actors have a female co-star that is 10 to 20 years or more younger then them in their movies playing the love interest? I can think of hundreds.


Of course, in the movie, Leeloo is THOUSANDS of years older than Corbin.

Well, unless you consider her cloned parts, which, technically, would be only a few days old, except for her hand....

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan


No,fine by me


I only found it weird because Leeloo was so childlike, and their relationship felt more like protector and child, than love interests. It bothered me for that reason even as a kid, though I found Bruce Willis attractive so ignored it :P

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