Not really man, it's cool if you love/like the film, a lot do but I have problems with films that have an ending that tries so hard to be shocking even though downer endings were a bit of the norm in the 90s for thrillers. Se7en did that 500 times better, now that film is a masterpiece and I love the ending to that one. The ending of a film has to fit the tone of the rest of the film in my opinion so Se7en is a bleak, dark, depressing looking film so the ending fits. In Fallen, while it has the same dark look to it, it feels like a run of the mill horror film for most of its length. Have you ever seen Shocker or The Horror Show? This film had the exact same plot as those as well as another film called Destroyer but to be honest, I have quite a fondness for Shocker so I certainly prefer that over this.
I'm really not the guy who loves happy endings all the time, in fact, I prefer bleak, dark films that have dark endings but that fits with the film. My OP is quite old, I was really young at the time and have seen far more films since then and have matured in taste for film. However, I still think Fallen is an overrated film, it was a solid timewaster for most of its running time but the ending while probably the most memorable aspect of the film you can tell is trying so hard to be different. Hell, the director of Fallen did Primal Fear, Frequency, and Untraceable, all films I like a lot more than Fallen. To each their own.