MovieChat Forums > FairyTale: A True Story (1997) Discussion > Does anyone believe in faeries?

Does anyone believe in faeries?

Because anythings possible, right?


Deep, deep, deep down...I'd quite like to believe in them.


While all the evidence in the Cottingley case is so contradictory, I certainly would like to believe that the girls really saw fairies and that they really do exist.


i believe in them :D


I believe in Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and UFOs. I've never really given Fairies much thought though. Someone mentioned dragons, and it is a widely held theory that dragons are just dinosaurs that survived.

Personally, if they didn't exist, no one would ever see them, so they must.

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."

John "A1nut"


Bigfoot absolutley do I believe in.

Lochness and other similar creatures? Perhaps.

ALiens. Definatley.

and as for Aliens...

Only the truly arrogant can live their life thinking we are the only sentient beings in the universe, and if you wonder why they would come here? well I am sure that if the roles were reversed and we had the technology to visit other planets and spy on them, we would. which is a scary thought, because humanity doesnt deserve that power, because most likely we would use it for greed and destruction.


I personally do believe in Faeries. As a Pagan I have experienced them many times.

"Slap me with the splintered ruler." - Alanis Morissette, All I Really Want



I've always believed in fairys. I've seen them, not in what we would consider them as their 'true' form. I've seen them all the same.

I sail the seven seas with Jack and brew potions in the dungon with Snape. I'm a *beep* Bleeder as well.


Sure, Liberace, Nathan Lane and Robert Reed.



Don't forget Clay Aiken, Bill Kaulitz and Lance Bass.


"by - NotAnotherMovieCritic on Wed Nov 14 2007 11:28:09
I personally do believe in Faeries. As a Pagan I have experienced them many times. "

*beep* off


was the fairies name...LSD?


I do. I've seen them. But they can chagne forms. The ones i've seen haev been flashes of light in pitch black, and once i felt fluttering under my hand, like wings :O




I do! I saw them once... I think.

But I know my aunt as.

I also believe in the loch ness monster.



"I've seen them. But they can chagne forms. The ones i've seen haev been flashes of light in pitch black, and once i felt fluttering under my hand, like wings :O "

That is what sane people call a really bad trip. Not fairies


I totally believe in them!!


I believe in dreams and faeries are usually in them.


in closing i would just like to say....

that you are all freaking retarded. get lives.

Slip out


Ever heard of Otherkin?

Now there's something to research on to really get in depth with mythology

"On the contary, the game's not over yet!"
-Basil from The Great Mouse Detective




The only reason the concept of fairies and other magical concepts hasnt been forgotten is because losers like you and the others in this board keep it alive because you can't bare reality without your hopes and sad beliefes in small little creatures with wings that hide from us all and live in trees.

wtf guys you all can't be serious.

show me a fairie and I will beleive, in fact not only will i believe but I will quite litterally so kiss the feet of every person who posted that they believe in fairies.



you are making a random assumption based on my typing skills, that I am undeducated, and a loser with no life. HA

What I said, was backed the affirmation of most of the posters on this board.

The fact that you all believe in Fairies.



When I was a kid, my brother showed me fairy footsteps in the dirt and a hole in the ground in which he said the fairy had escaped. To this day, I still want to believe his story.
