MovieChat Forums > Event Horizon (1997) Discussion > whats up with the boob grab..

whats up with the boob grab..

the last scene has the hysterical Starc being calmed down while they ask for sedatives... holding her down while deliberately grabbing her boob didn't seem necessary awkward position to hold down someone like that...


dont remember this scene.


I just came here to see if anyone mentioned this. Bizarre that he was directed to do that, equally bizarre they chose that take.


You're talking about the end? It doesn't look like that to me. It just looks like he's holding her back/down. And the arm/hand actually looks like it's just beneath her chest.


Heheh just watched it again and that totally stuck out to me. Looks like he first tried to go underneath, but after that it was full on. Let’s face it, if you’re trying to restrain someone in such a position, the best way is around the chest. *shrug
