MovieChat Forums > Donnie Brasco (1997) Discussion > 'Carlito's Way' reference

'Carlito's Way' reference

**Spoilers for both films**

At the very end, when Lefty (Al Pacino) stashes his belongings in a small drawer for his wife to find before walking to his own execution for having vouched for Donnie (Depp), you can see an 'El Paraiso' club match book (upper left side of frame) and a lighter with the colours of the famous Caribbean poster Carlito daydreams to in Carlito's Way...
Screen cap here:


Nice spot


That’s a hell of a good catch, well done!
Posted this message on your Carlito’s Way posting as well but it is doubly deserving of recognition imo.


Haha! Thanks. You know, I think I must have seen this film -and Carlito's Way- a dozen times since they came out, and only just recently noticed that nod from Mike Newell.


Wow, good eyes there Michael.
I love both movies and have seen them repeatedly but never noticed this.


I noticed it right away
