MovieChat Forums > Deconstructing Harry (1998) Discussion > What are currently your 3 personal favor...

What are currently your 3 personal favorite Woody Allen films and why?

What are currently your 3 (or even 4 or 5 fave picks, if 3 makes it too difficult) personal favorite Woody Allen films made and released so far and please say why (for either the writing, the acting and casting, the direction, or a combo of all of these factors) for each film named.


Deconstructing Harry, I love when Woody plays the "harry" type character

Purple Rose of Cairo, the story and the music

tie between Radio Days and Take the Money and Run, the stories and the way Take the Money and Run was shot.

Runner Ups:
Melinda and Melinda for the way he told the story from two different perspectives, I thought that was really interesting.

I hated Match Point but the cinematography was great.

There are still many that I have to see.

You can't come in here, this is my mastabatorium!


so far (i haven't seen all of them):
1) deconstructing harry: some of the most intelligent and sharp dialogue lines i heard so far in a movie.
2) zelig, i couldn't stop laughing. the testimony scenes where unbelievably believable ;) besides, the story is awful funny.

quite disappointed though with films like match point. cannot understand why i love some of them so much and some others bore me to death.


1. Crimes and Misdemeanors - Perfect mix of philosophy and comedy, I like that Woody isn't on screen over 80% of the time and gives some great parts to great actors (Alda, etc)
2. Deconstructing Harry - I love that Woody takes liberties with editing and the way the short stories are intertwined into the main plot is genius. Loved it.
3. Love and Death - As a Russian minor, I love that Woody is also a Russophile and isn't afraid to hide it! Absolutely brilliant satire.

Runners up: Hannah and Her Sisters (Farrow is adorable) and Annie Hall (the iconic Woody movie)

Still got a lot to watch though!


I've seen a great deal of them, and I have to go with, in no particular order;
Play it Again, Sam- Although he didn't direct, the acting is great, and the writing is on point.
Manhattan- could be his most beautifully shot film
Annie Hall- I mean... it's Annie Hall
Stardust Memories- Highly underrated, Woody is free in this film and it is brilliant
Close Calls:
Scoop- Also underrated, the best Allen has offered in a few years, although Match Point is good too.
Sleepers- Allen and Keaton in their first pairing and they run amock(Sp) on the future, it's bloody great.

These are my guns, Sir. -The Salton Sea


1. Radio Days
2. Hannah & Her Sisters
3. September


i've seen many of them, and so far...
1) crimes & misdemeanors (the fireplace confession scene is absolutely brilliant)
2) love and death ("wheat")
3) stardust memories (i like the fellini references and the sarcasm)

match point almost makes the list, but it's a one-time movie. everything leads up to the last 30 minutes or so, so there's no replay value at all. not to mention there are dozens of lines from crimes & misdemeanors that are copied and pasted. just got done watching broadway danny rose, and it was very enjoyable but nothing spectacular.



Annie Hall
Broadway Danny Rose
Radio Days


Manhattan - Beautiful shots, a tragic story. The definitive Woody Allen movie.

Deconstructing Harry - Rather baffling, offensive, funny, and sad.

Crimes and Misdemeanors - The best. When I learned that Woody and I view the world under very similar philosophies.


i don't think i like allen so much, i enjoy his dialogues and ideas but usually get bored at his movies (especially if he gets a lot of screen time himself) :S
but i liked "manhattan" a lot, and absolutely loved "sweet and lowdown".


ONLY 3!? I'll have to break them up by category:

"Pure" Comedy:
1. Bullets Over Broadway ("don't speak!")
2. Sleeper
3. Deconstructing Harry ... this can be argued against being a "pure" comedy, but hey ... sue me.

1. Crimes And Misdemeanors
2. Hannah And Her Sisters
3. Match Point

1. Manhattan
2. Annie Hall
3. Purple Rose of Cairo

I don't think he's ever made a truly "bad" film, but those are my tops. Also love Radio Days but I have no idea where I'd place that- I suppose comedy, but that film is so sentimental and romantic at parts. Who knows. Love him!

