MovieChat Forums > Contact (1997) Discussion > Does anyone believe in aliens?

Does anyone believe in aliens?

Are we the only beings in space? I think other beings are out there. Space is infinite.


dont u think it would be very scary if earth is the only place in the entire universe with life?


I myself belive there are other beings out there.
I guess all depends on your religion and faith.


Maybe there are aliens posting on this message board.

You got your mind right, Luke?



Lizard aliens.


Maybe there are aliens posting on this message board.

*beep*, I hope not. If they landed on imdb, they probably already wrote us off as a primitive barbaric warring unreasonable species.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Is it possible that there is life out there? Sure. Is it possible that there is what we would call intelligent life out there? Maybe.
The problem is when people say, "Yes, there is life out there." We still don't know and until we do I can only say I hope there is life out there.


Mathematically speaking, the chance is 1 in... infinity.


Have you seen the size of the universe?


Life exists on earth so the chance of intelligent life is more than zero. Take a number that is more than zero and multiply it by the approximate likely number of planets in the universe which is literally trillions, there's your answer.

The question isn't if, the questions are when and how far?


I think it'd be dumb not to think there're aliens. Why wouldn't there be? Space is infinite!

I'm not saying it's aliens but it's aliens


....and IF they ever discover us, that would most likely be the end of the human race....

The movie has a plot hole?!?


...but they may already have dicovered us...

I'm not saying it's aliens but it's aliens


but I guess I'd say...If it is just us...It would be an awful waste of space...


Didn't they find water on mars recently? We've checked two planet so far earth and mars we know earth has life even after multiple extinction events and we think mars may have been able to support life in the past so it would appear other life is likely since billions of stars have planets in habitable zones and water appears to be plentiful BUT we can't say for sure yet. the evidence suggests it's far more likely than a god.


There are... probably MILLIONS of species as intelligent or more than us... plus each planet is brimming with life.. if u havent noticed were constantly killing life on earth.

It be lame if life on earth came from some smart ass species seeding worlds with life as much as they can.

The increase in human knowledge is the cause of the decline of religions.


Sadly I don't see it as a question of if there are other beings out there. I have no doubt whatsoever if there are. The real sadness is we'll never see one another...

For anyone who's ever done the math or "gets" just how bit the universe is and how far galaxies are away from eachother, you'll know just how fast we would have to travel just to be able to get their. And then there's the whole time and relitivity and all that crap to go along with it.

YES there are definitely other life forms out there, will we ever see the "Star Trek" days? Not for another 200 years if ever... And in saying that I really hope I'm wrong :)


You're not. There isn't an intelligent civilization in the universe that will ever meet another. You might just barely be able to communicate with one, but there'd be an awkward 100 year pause between each message.

The idiot formerly known as Heez.


Even if there aren't, it's possible there -were- or -will be-.
