Sequel Name?...

Would you prefer the sequel to account for the actors age and set it 25 years later (1998 to 2023) and call it Buffalo '91...or to use age-regression technology and set it a year after '66 and call it Buffalo '67?! I can't decide!


This wasn't set in was set in present day, 98 or so... probably 96 because the mom references the birth of Billy in 66 as the reason why the bills haven't won anything since (for the last 30 years)... because of his birth, she missed the game. And that's why she hates Billy.


The sequel needs to take place in a dystopia future, ruled by lizard people


Nahhh it would lose that small town vibe.


Would make for a splendid ode to creature heavy action flicks of yore though, such as Hell Comes To Frogtown
