Rewriting "Blues Brothers 2000"
The movie opens similar to its original opening, with Elwood leaving the prison. The opening of the movie is the best part, being atmospheric, and hinting at something more is coming. Elwood waits for his brother to come on out with him, since Jake had been sent to another prison after the events of "Jailhouse Rock" in the last movie. The warden walks out to Elwood to inform him that Jake has died. Elwood leaves silently, and is greeted outside by a man in a similar outfit to Elwood's. This is "Mighty" Mac McTeer, an orphan from the orphanage they saved.share
Mac informs Elwood that when they were sent to prison, Mother Mary Stigmata was so moved by Jake, and Elwood's charity, she, Curtis, and the rest of the gang bought back the BluesMobile, and kept it safe for the two of them once they got out. Jason brings Elwood to Mother Mary Stigmata, with an orphanage that's thriving. Elwood speaks with Mother Mary for a moment before asking about what to do for Jake's funeral. She says theirs not much they can do, and sadly they'll put him in an empty lot in a week. Elwood leaves with Mac, and states they need to get the band back together, however he doesn't see much help with Curtis dead. Mac smiles and pulls him into an open bar.
In this bar, someone is on stage playing 'Round Midnight. Elwood watches as the camera pans around to reveal a man named Jason, played none other than by Jeff Goldblum. Now I know that may seem like an odd choice, but first off, Jeff Goldblum's odd personality fits right in with this world, and is a great playoff to Dan Aykroyd's stoic nature, as well as being an accomplished jazz pianist. Using his odd quirks, and musical ability would be perfect to this movie.
Elwood is impressed by this man's music abilities, and informs him of the issues of burying his brother. Jason smiles, saying Curtis had taught him to play piano and would do anything for a friend of Curtis. Jason even informs them of a big band competition going on in New Orleans, and they have a chance to win if they can get the band back together, with these new guys at their heels. However someone is listening in. A man from New Orleans who has a band of his own, and will win by any means necessary. This is Frank Henson, played by Christopher Walken. He follows the boys in his car until the boys notice and escape from him. Henson calls his band "The Louisiana Gator Boys" of their situation.
First the boys get Matt "Guitar" Murphy, but are confronted once again by his wife, and the scene plays out normally like in the original movie. This time however, Jason plays the piano for her song and his wife is convinced her husband will do good with this band, as long as he'll return.
"Mister Fabulous" is a funeral director like in the movie, but this time, the family is struggling to find a good song for their son's finale to his funeral. The band learns he was a farmer, and performs "Ghost Rider's In The Sky" going off with a massive hit. Henson however finds them after the funeral with his band, and they start shooting at them. The group jumps into their car and after another epic car chase sequence, they're off to the next Blues Brother.
Murphy Dunne is next, but is hesitant to leave his job, but his boss, played by Ken Page, is a huge fan of theirs, and performs a song with them. He's so delighted to hear what they're doing, he gives Murphy a massive paid vacation to go with them.
With the band in tow, they travel to New Orleans where Henson stops them at the county line. He informs them that he has planned for their arrival, and will not allow them to pass. where he has hired an evil voodoo witch, Queen Mousette to cast a spell on them. At her home, she and Henson force them to dance, allowing Walken to show off his dancing abilities, before Henson informs them that he is walking away with The Louisiana Gator Boys, and will win.
The group beg Mousette to let them go, and she requests if they play something carribean, she will. They agree, and she allows them too.
At the concert, Henson's band has killed it, but The BluesMobile arrives, and they knock the crowd away, easily winning the competition. The gang pack up, ready to go, but Henson informs them that they need that money since he has a debt to pay. It seems Henson sold his soul to Mousette to give him a great band to win the competition, and his soul is worth the money they won. Elwood informs him that while music is incredible, no one should sell their soul for it, and thus they should receive the punishment if they did. Henson doesn't care for this, and chases them down. They hurry as fast as possible, in the big climatic car chase sequence, which ends with them getting away, but Henson still alive.