MovieChat Forums > Blues Brothers 2000 (1998) Discussion > Blues Brothers 2000=Never Made

Blues Brothers 2000=Never Made

How can there be a message board and website for a movie that was NEVER MADE?
I repeat, it was NEVER MADE. Next thing you know, they'll be saying they made Rocky 5 or something.


Ah... just thinking happy thoughts, right. If I denounce it, it never existed.

Good luck


Lol, what the hell do you mean it was never made? I just rented it from the video store and watched it last week. Renob.

"It's better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for you what you are not."




It obviously does exist; it's on TV right now, actually. Don't post regarding things you know nothing about.



Man, some of you guys are pretty thick.

Everyone knows there's no such thing as a Blues Brothers 2000.


You must be having a laugh.

"Curiosity is the first step to being open-minded" VM
Bean Bloke Eric Sean


Well, no s***. Because this is Blues Brothers 1998 (it wasn't released, or made in 2000)


I'm still waiting for Star Wars: Episode One and the two Matrix sequels. I hope one day they get released.


Some people just can't take a joke



"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."-Kurt Cobain


How stupid are you people? Of course Blues Brothers 2000 was never made. Dan Aykroyd gave up acting after Gross Point Blank, John Landis stopped directing in the mid 80's, and John Belushi is alive and well and living in Beverly Hills.

Although I did have a terrible nightmare a while ago where Dan Aykroyd, Walter from the Big Lebowski, that guy who started Skynet and some random irritating child were standing on a big pile of cash and urinating all over John Belushi's rotting corpse! Odd, eh? Dunno where that one came from...



Right... I take it what you're doing here is carrying on the in the same ironic vein as I was? You couldn't actually have read my last post and seriously been prompted to tell me that Dan Akyroyd is still acting?

Next thing you'll be telling me that John Belushi is dead or something...



oh haha you are so funny, i am not going to honor that with a response

So what was that if not a response? A chicken???



you are so ******* stupid its a ******* movie you ******* idiot. people can be dead in movies because they are acting!!!


No. If you die in a movie, you die in real life. Just like dreams.


Yeah I actually just bought the DVD of Blues Brothers 3000, Star Wars Episode VII, Rambo IV and Terminator V. John Belushi is in Star Wars Episode VII playing Han Solo they got him cause Harrison Ford died shortly after making Return Of The Jedi he Od'd on ludes back in 84 but thats common knowledge really sucks he was almost finished making Raiders Of The Lost Ark II.


You didn't believe they were going to make Rambo IV, did you?


Hahaha reading this right now :)

We also have a Terminator 5 now and Star Wars VII coming soon ;)


I've looked every where and it seems this film was never made, this blues brothers 2000 must be a mistake on IMDB, but lets face it they could never make a sequel to blue brothers, could you imagine how bad that would be!


Next thing you know, they'll be saying they made Rocky 5 or something.

lol, i once heard a guy talking about alien 4 ('alien resurrection' he used to call it), shudders, weird idea, i'm quite happy nothing like that actually exists.



you're a GENIUS, an irony award is waiting for you


Whilst we're on the subject of sequels, anyone know if they're going to be doing a Friday the Thirteenth Part 2?



nope, but i heard rumors about a nightmare on elm street pt.2


I remember hearing about this film once that they were going to do. It was about some kinda robot covered in human skin which went back in time to kill some woman or something. Apparently it was important that the guy playing him had a heavy accent and an inpronouncable surname. Can you imagine such a film? There were even rumours of two sequels where he becomes the good guy before turning into a politician!!!!!!




That would never work!



"Oh, "Chasing Amy"? That would never work as a movie."

"So it goes" -Slaughterhouse Five


lol! At least they were right there!




Maybe they'll release Jaws 3 someday too.


do you not get sarcasm?
the man is trying to pretend that crap movies like aliens 4 dont exist. and that great actors and directors stopped doing movied after thier peak.


But it's true, Blues Brothers 2000 was never made, and this bulletin board dosn't even exist either! So any comments, intelligent or otherwise, were never made.


this movie was never made.

p.s. bill simmons rocks.



How ridiculous. How can there be a Rock V if there never was a Rocky II, III or IV? Silly people.

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."-Kurt Cobain


you arent reading messages on a board. youre just staring in to your alphbet soup.


Um, okay, sure.

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."-Kurt Cobain


it took you three words to say nothing


Look who's talking. Your post made no sense, whatsoever.

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."-Kurt Cobain


thats not a very strong defense


Oh my, are you guys actually being sarcastic on a public internet board? You should know better then that. Last time someone did this he got himself lynched by a mob of angry and clueless 12-year olds.



What's soup?
