favourite song?
out of the all the blues brothers 2000 songs which were your favourites?
add 1 and minus 1 to your most and least favourite...
Born in Chicago (10)
The blues dont bother me (10)
Harmonica Musings (10)
Cheaper to keep her (11)
Perry Mason Theme (10)
Looking for a Fox (10)
Can't turn you Loose (10)
R-E-S-P-E-C-T (10)
634-5789 (10)
Maybe I'm Wrong (9)
Riders in the Sky (10)
John the Revelator (10)
Let there be Drums (10)
Season of the Which (10)
Funky Nassau (10)
How Blue can you get? (10)
Turn on your Love Light (10)
New Orleans (10)