MovieChat Forums > The Big Lebowski (1998) Discussion > I don't know why I hate this movie so mu...

I don't know why I hate this movie so much - Maybe I am the only one ...

I saw this movie I guess based on hype when it came out, but it was a totally
confusing experience ... I did not care about the character, did not like the plot.
ugh, this was one of the worst movies I've ever seen ... I'd probably give it a
2-4/10 because it is not so awful that one cannot watch it all the way through,
though I don't understand why anyone would.

Can someone, a fan of TBL politely tell me what I am missing about this movie?
Does anyone not like it and have the guts to say it and explain?


Well...that's just like...your opinion man...


You're the only one.


You're like half of human culture. You need validation because you're weak, afraid, and angry...but won't express it in public

So, you're not alone at all. Half of humanity is as shitty as you are.
