THis is not that bad, 1)Mariah Carey has an amazing voice, so this movie is worth at least 3 stars for that 2)This is perfect flash back to the bad, but culty 80 Hip Hop genre (Breakdance etc), so take it for what it is. 3)This movie is what it is, a fairy tale story about a young girls climb to stardom.
Give it a break.
"Hay u their, coreck my grammer an speeling plaese, kthnx"
I agree. I personally liked it. Sure, the acting was ok, nothing special, but thats beside the point. The point was to portray her life, and they did an accurate job of doing so. I didn't cry, but did get kinda emotional when Julian died and she still had to sing at the concert, and also when she saw her mom at the end.
I could tell by the look in his eyes that maybe I'm just another one of his lies
I'm sorry, I must disagree with you. The point was not to portray her life. The storyline was nothing like Mariahs life. Mariah was not orphaned as a child. She was raised with by her mother after her parents split up when she was 3. And the character "Billie Frank" and Mariah are so different its not even funny.
It was never advertised on being her life story. Even if they said "based on" any number of details could be drastically different. I think it's a good movie, definitely overly criticized.
Yeah, this movie really isn't THAT bad. I think people say "oh, Glitter is horrible" blah blah blah because critics say so. Its def. not my fav, but its def. not the worst movie.
To use is necessary. If you can't use someone or be used, then your useless. -KanYe West.
I would never put this movie in my top 250, but at the same time, the bottom 250 of all time??? please. I wouldnt go as far as saying I would watch it again, but it doesnt deserve a two. I was able to watch it from start to finish, so it automatically rates at least a 3.
I agree! Although it was inappropriate and too glittery at times, this movie was so beautiful and touching! People just can't appreciate wonderful films when they see them...
Definitely not as bad as "they" say. Nice Mariah songs. My favorite part is the background soundtrack - great 80's dance songs from Luther Vandross, etc. The acting, plot, etc., is not that bad. I love Mariah, 80's dance songs, chick flicks, etc., so I like it.
Yeah, it's really not THAT bad. Is it great? No. But the people that couldn't even get through all of it must have had really high expectations. I loved the music choices. 2 stars. Mariah's voice is amazing. 3 stars. Dice was kinda hot. 1.5 stars. It should at least get a 6.5. But I also think that people just go ahead and say it's the worst movie of all time because the critics say so. Seriously...I really don't think anyone understands how many other movies there are that are waaaayyy worse than this one. It's a little bit ridiculous.
I love this move. It's not Oscar winning material, but it wasn't trying to be either. Critics just pounced on it because it was "in" to bash Mariah at the time.
Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough
"But the people that couldn't even get through all of it must have had really high expectations."
What expectations are movie-goers supposed to have? Don't the majority of audiences expect to see a good, enjoyable film with excellent acting and believable scripts? I believe that if people come to a movie with an expectation that it would satisfy their urges for entertainment than their expectations are not high at all. Also, you cannot score a movie by examining the small parts that don't accurately sum up the movie's overall quality. The score that gives, however, is based on prior reviews and evaluations by nonspecialists- regular Joes who sat through it at some point in their lives-so that means that many of those "regular joes" thought it was as horrible as the critics claim.
I honestly can't believe you would even suggest that it receive a score higher than a 3, but it's probably due to the fact that you're scoring the movie on parts that don't matter. I hope your post was tongue-in-cheek: I seriously hope.
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Have I seen better? Yes. Have I seen worse? YES, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH WORSE. So sorry that Mariah Carey suffered so much following the release of this film. As a first-timer, Mariah was pretty good...much better than Janet Jackson in the Tyler Perry movies. She deserved a much better reception.