Honestly not that bad...

It seems everybody hates this movie, but it still holds up pretty well.

Ok, there are some silly things like the cross eyed military guy who's overacting and the black guy killing himself because a dead alien is holding his foot. Winona Ryder's character was a bit cringy too.

There were good things in this. After 3 movies we finally got to see the "company" getting their hands on the alien to study it. The scene where the Alien sacrifice one of their own to escape the holding cell was pretty cool. The cast was a lot more likeable than the bland bald guys from Alien 3. The music was great and the main theme is something I have always associated with Alien in my brain even though it's only heard in this film. The movie looked great too.

I liked the design of the "Newborn" and how it turned on the Alien Queen in favor of Ripley. I wish they had taken it further by making it it fight regular Aliens to protect the human characters, maybe even sacrifice itself to save Ripley at the end. Then, Ripley crying would have made even more sense.


I liked it because it is a weird film with weird characters.

There's a part of me that likes that because if people in the distant future were all by themselves a lot, things would get weird. Also, I think the black guy killed himself because he was a pretty boy and his face got messed up.

Overall, the movie was about a bunch of freaks. That means the "human folly" involved will get everyone killed.

What didn't you like about Winona?


Probably the fact that was a goodie 2 shoes synthetic who knew way too much about events that are over 150 years old. Also, unlike all previous synthetics, she seemed to have no strength. The plug in port hidden under a mole was gross to me. It's also hard to believe that she ever got hired by the crew of the Betty in the first place.




I see the strength part being an issue.

But, these things wanted to be human and so a little Blade Runner idea was thrown in there, which is a good idea. It seemed they had a lot of positive ideas and so she was "More human than human" in her level of concern. I enjoyed it as a twist.

I like the whole AI idea in science fiction and I like where types of characters start out bad but later decide to be good. I thought Bishop was super cool in Aliens 2. If there were real androids like that, humanity would be blessed.

I viewed this as a fun creative movie rather than horror like the previous. Aliens 2 is one of my favorite action films though. I saw it in the movies and there was nothing like that before.




As time goes on I increasingly think it's my favorite of the Alien sequels, even above Aliens. It introduces interesting concepts, is aesthetically striking, fantastically imaginative, with strong vision and personality in the directorial voice, and very importantly and in contrast to many of the other sequels, is fun, freely ridiculous in the best ways, and alive with creative pulse. I think it's widely misunderstood.


I also agree it's not that bad. I find it watchable if a little silly in places, especially near the end.

It just didn't stand up to the first two movies, which are considered classics.

And I think after Alien 3 (which is also not that bad, certainly in the revised version) people expected a kind of return to the old movies with Jean Pierre Jeunet on board, and also Weaver.


I can't fathom how anyone would expect that Jeunet attached would promise any kind of return to old... His two prior films had been as quirky, surrealist and French as it gets, and Resurrection is pure JPJ.


It’s one of the most popular classics not sure what you mean?


All critics called it as bad as Alien 3 back then. Any "angry reviewers" on YouTube tear Alien 4 apart. From Chris Stuckman to the Nostalgia Critic.


AR is stupid but it’s well made and highly entertaining. Alien 3 was and still is a depressing, boring slog of a film and a frustrating waste of an opportunity. At AR realized there was nothing left to do but go all out crazy and that’s what they did.


Enjoyable, entertaining… also the movie where the franchise jumped the shark. The moment the Captain Perez dude pulled his own brains out the back of his head marked the beginning of the alien movies turning comical and no longer scary.


I don't hate it. It might be disappointing when compared to the others( with 3 as the exception ), but it's still good in an over-the-top sort of way.
