I've read the book, Danny is supposed to be a five year old , Courtland looks double that age,. Danny also has terrifying visions of death at the Overlook, it would have some sort of effect on him - but Courtland acts like perky Pollyanna throughout this movie, it just doesn't seem genuine at all
Courtland looked ten years old to you? Odd. He didn't to me, most ten year olds I've seen look a lot bigger and older. Eight at the most.
And yeah visions of death would trouble even a lively kid, but I still don't necessarily believe he'd be acting like a zombie reading from cue cards 24/7 like the Danny in the Kubrick version. But then again, the Jack Torrance in the Kubrick version was way different too. If I was a kid and had a dad like him I might be a zombie also.