For some reason this kid drives me nuts - and not just in this movie, but in everything I've seen him in. He always seems to talk way above his years...and for some reason, when I see him, I think of a duck. ARG. He irritates me.
yeah i *beep* hate the kid. I hate his face, his bad acting, his stupid haircut, etc. Danny in the novel is small and cute. This kid is too old and not even close to cute. The Danny in the movie of the shining had it right.
This Danny was awful. On the other hand so was Shelly Duvall. And on the other other hand I prefer the Kubrick version over the miniseries for so many reasons. I also love the book but see that as a separate work of art.
"Austerity" is a word said mainly by people with a full stomach.
Yeah, he is annoying. It is all wrong, I grew up with the Kubrick Shining and this is so poor in comparison. Danny is the worst cast character. He never shuts his mouth, it just kinda hangs open.
I totally agree with everyone; I thought it was just me; geez, the kid has a face on which I would love to pound for hours; heck, after 4 hours I was rooting for Jack to bash his face in.
But OK, let's have a little compassion, since he couldn't help it he was born that way; even then I totally hate his overacting, as one poster put it: he was talking above his years, indeed he acted like an adult and a know-it-all, and his irritating nasal lisping voice which indeed sounded like someone said, like he has a cold.
I don't think he was born that way at all. It looks like he has thumb-sucker's mouth and a denture put in to replace his mishapen upper teeth. That would explain why his upper teeth look so perfectly uniform yet his upper lip is pushed up so high. Someone didn't stop the thumb sucking before it could ruin his mouth. Sad. And since he's a child actor they sprang for the denture (causing the lisp and making it even harder for his lips to close). If they'd just left him alone until his adult teeth grew in that upper lip might have dropped eventually.
Google it for some very vivid pictoral examples. Every time I looked at the poor kid in the series, all I could think was that his parents much be sadists to let him suck that thumb until it ruined his mouth and then put him in front of cameras so it'll haunt him his entire adult life.
While it is true that he has an unfortunate gob I would stop short of saying I'd love to pound his face for hours. What got me was that in the credits it says "and Courtland Mead as Danny Torrence" like he's some movie star that gets billing above Rebecca DeMornay. What's that about? I looked at his past career on this website and can see nothing of note. I bet the adults were miffed!!!
Tell me where does it say 'When you're lost you stay that way'?
My GOSH, I cannot believe how MEAN everyone is being. He was just a KID! What did he ever do to you....and do you really feel so insecure that you have to say such mean terrible things?
I'm sorry but I thought he did a darn good job in this movie. He had a LOT of dialogue and a LOT of heavy drama to live up to. I thought he pulled it off well.