S8 E3 Why was the Orchid Society...
... out in the woods with guns? Seriously, that's silly. You're out looking for orchids so you... arm up? Why? Lots of bear in the area? Come on.
share... out in the woods with guns? Seriously, that's silly. You're out looking for orchids so you... arm up? Why? Lots of bear in the area? Come on.
shareI gathered that the guns were to scare away would-be orchid poachers, since the orchids were so valuable.
shareWell... if they were guarding it, I could see that, but they weren't there round the clock, they were just checking on it, weren't they?
shareJonathan Makepeace asked for a 24-hour vigil to protect the newly-bloomimg orchids from poachers, and then Munro Hilliard promised to organize what sounded like a "roto" or "rota". A rotating shift, maybe? So maybe what we saw were just the ones for that particular shift. It did seem like a lot of people, But I guess that they would have more people volunteering for a day shift than a night one.
shareAh... I see.
shareTo Brits, a rota is a schedule. I agree that they were there to try to protect the rare orchids. I can't imagine what the night shift was like. Probably pretty boring, but these folks are fanatical about their orchids.