The worst episode of MM you've ever seen?
As the thread title implies, it's time to name and shame! What's the worst episode you've ever seen and why do find it so irredeemably dire?
I'll start: the more I watch MM repeats from John Nettle's tenure via ITV3 the more I realise that that utter turd of an episode from the most recent, largely poor new series will unlikely ever be beaten.
I am of course referring to that piss-poor UFO/drone themed 'Incident at Coopers Hill'. F^cking hell what a load of old cobblers that surely 'jumped the shark' several times over, and then some.
It's shortcomings are legion but here are some of the particularly poor lowlights:
- a lazily recycled premise - even by MM's usual 'regurgitated' tendencies, I.e. UFO's (of which was done far better the first time too).
- Michelle 'Eastenders' a cockney-accented, retired lead computer programmer/scientist/all round genius! Yes really. No, me neither.
- Collins' boffin character apparently building a drone craft back in the 80's boasting technological features arguably 40-50 odd years ahead of their time (not least because it had near silent VTOL capabilities that modern and even merely future/conceptual/proposed drone craft don't have ffs)!
- Pseudo child genius (Collins' character's daughter if I recall) who has a ludicrously implausible aptitude/affinity with mechanical equipment and found said top secret craft effectively abandoned/poorly guarded....because apparently successful, super advanced, super expensive and indeed 'effing revolutionary government-funded technology always gets shelved/stored away/forgotten about!
- Worse, said child genius was apparently capable of secretly rebuilding/restoring the drone craft to operational condition! Naturally like any self-respecting, drone-rebuilding child genius of the 21st century she possessed superlative knowledge of 80's tech and the suitable spare parts to do so of course......
*sigh* As I say, what a turd of an episode this truly was.
P.S. Before I'm likely reminded, yes, I fully appreciate that MM is pure fiction (obviously) but one's suspension of disbelief can only stretch so far....
P.P.S. Considering that the producers evidently didn't see a credibility problem casting Ian Beale's former slapper missus as a genius-like scientist/computer programmer from the 1980's one can only presume that Danny Dyer must've been too busy to take the role or something....