MovieChat Forums > Wish Upon a Star (1996) Discussion > How come they never show this movie on D...

How come they never show this movie on Disney Channel anymore?

I remember when Disney Channel use to wear this movie out,
they showed it at least twice a week!
I use to watch it everytime,
but now all Disney Channel show is "That's so Raven" and dumb movies that doesn't make sense.
I wish they would bring this movie back on Disney Channel


Your not alone i love this movie especially when she looks at the pic of that guy and she says "today, you're mine." and the pic changed... that was so effing funny

Official PSP owner as of 12/19/05




that depresses me because it used to be on every 5 seconds. it was my life when i was like...7. wow. i remember thinking her clothes were the coolest thing as far as i was concerned. im glad we taped that movie one time.


Same here, I wanted to be EXACTLY like Alexia. Haha.


They just don't make great Disney Channel Movies like "Wish Upon a Star" anymore, which is a pity, the mid to late nineties to early 2000s heralded the greatest Disney Channel Original like:

Wish Upon a Star
Double Teamed
Stepsister From Planet Weird
Johnny Tsunami
The first Zenon movie
Smart House
Luck of the Irish
The Thirteenth Year
first Halloween Town movie
Susie Q
Phantom of the Megaplex
The Other Me
Alley Cats Strike
Horse Sense
Escape to Witch Mountain
The Famous Jett Jackson Movie

now it's all a load of fluff and crap, High School Musical is a joke, but then again, all the recent Disney Channel movies are crap:

The Cheetah Girls
Gotta Kick It Up
Life Is Ruff
You Wish!
Go Figure
Going to the Mat
A ring of Endless light
the perfect christmas present
Rip Girls
Twas the Night
Jumping Ship
Halloween Town sequels
Zenon sequels
Cadet Kelly
Miracle in Lane 2
Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off
Even Stevens movie

Hayden Christensen is simply gorgeous
Harry Potter Rules the World!



i remember when brink and wish upon a star came out wow it feels like so long ago. does any one miss the cartoon musical movies(beauty and the beast, the little mermaid,ect)

Faith:You're protecting vampires? Are you the bad slayer now? Am I the good slayer now?



o my gosh! i forgot all about PUNKS!!!! ahhh! i remember i was like 7 and i was CRAZY about that movie. i had my uncle tape it once but i think i lost it. i watched it several times. drove my family mad. lol


you put rip girls on the crappy list but i liked that movie. but i was like 8 the last time i saw that

"Is our children learning?"
George W. Bush



I kno! I miss when they shows about that kinda stuff but I waz too young to understand dat stuff now I'm old enuf but they got stuff on there that jus sucks! Remeber Bug Juice?? I luved dat show!


Your list is RIGHT on the spot. Except I love Jumping Ship because Matt Lawrence is amazing.

"Flowers are better than bullets."
-Allison Krause; May 3, 1970


We should complain these movies use to rock. I want to see them again. But my dad did record half of them for me and I don't know were they are I also liked all the old shows. Did anyone remember the jersy?


i agree..
other than high school musical, which i cannot get enough of. i loved all the old movies. i remember watching them at my grandmas house because she had cable..

pretty much everything on that first list is awesome!


Ok list person I totally agree only, Rip girls was a good one, and belongs in the pors, and yes, it was beautiful when they showed it all the time, they did that with Step sister from planet weird too, I wish they would bring that back as well, but I dont think wish upon a star was a Disney original, it was just a movie they showed! I wish they would bring it back!

"Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor."
– Truman Capote


I want to watch Susie Q right now haha


I ABSOLUTELY agree with you, especially with the movies like susie q, the other me, stepsister from planet weird, BUT jumping ship was good, but from the second list, nothing else.

"The Chosen One" LOL



I'm pathetic, I so love the Halloweentown movies that I don't care if the sequals suck I shall watch them! >.>

Most of the movies I watch on Disney now are mostly for the music since they're all the predictable kind, though Read it and Weep was kinda cute.


*~<3 ~*Zenon, Rip girls and Jumping ship are in the wrong place cuz those movies were good atleast to me. lol.*~<3~*
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I miss Susie Q..

We should make a petition to bring the old movies back....


omg I LOVED Zenon!!


I really miss this movie too!!!!!

I think it's because in the movie the older sister gets a hickey...

and all of the movies are soooooo babyish now it's so dumb

hahaha how can a 15 year old watch the Disney Channel if it's all baby stuff? LOL


yeah someone should totally eamil disney and request it

Proud member of TWA (Tom Welling's Army)



Good thanks!!!

Proud member of TWA (Tom Welling's Army)
I love Jackson Meade from Cowbelles!!!


my favorites were this one and tru confessions. two very worthy movies to watch over and over, but tru confessions wasn't released on dvd. (that i've found anyway)


Yeah I loved Tru Confessions, Escape to Witch Mountain, Wish Upon a Star, and my favorite was Under can buy Wish Upon a Star on DVD from for only $6.99 (DVD) and it ships in 24 is the site


wait what is escape to witch mountain ... i forget

Proud member of TWA (Tom Welling's Army)
Ryan Gosling is my future husband!!



oh my gosh I loved that show .... ohhhh now I miss it!! Did you see Beccas pic now she looks sooooo grown up and so does Tucker!!

Proud member of TWA (Tom Welling's Army)
Ryan Gosling is my future husband!!






The never show it on the Disney Channel anymore because Disney hates us all and never wants us to see the movie again >.<

Oh bananas. I'm so flippin' graphic.


someone should reallyy complain to disney for not showing this movie anymoreee... i used to adore it sooo muchh .. i would always get excited when it came on.. and now they dont play it .. and i even went on and looked up wish apon a star on there scheduel and it said no matches found and i was soo pissed cuz i loved that movieee.... this sux and so does disney and there gay showss .. i remember when i always rushed home from school to watch "Brotherly Love" with the Lawrence brothers and that show i think its called the jacket and it was when they had the monday night football club and the brother and sister found a jacket that belonged to their grandfather and when they put it on they would go to like a sports thing or someething.. and at night i would always watch that show so weird that they dont play anymore.. disney only plays gay shows now like :

Phil of the Future
Thats so Raven
Hannah Montana
and other stuff

now disney is gay with there movies too!!! im going to complain cuz this is bull!!!


True Disney Channel is falling appart. with their "popular" shows when their nothing but suck fest. I mean Wish Upon a Star and all those films were SO COOL PUNKS Man i remember that film HEavy weights, all of those cool films that DIsney was well known for and had a huge amount of people tooning each week to watch shows like Lizzie, even steves and so on. NOw all they do is sucky shows wanna be hits such as Phill of the Future and some animation crap with a rabbit and stuff like that. There should be a complain about that and bring the late 90s and early 00s back I remember watching Disney EVERY DAY because there was ALWYAS something good on now it's been almost well over a year since i've actually tune in the only times that i would go back to actually watch would be suck as reruns of Boy Meets World, Sister Sister, and some of Lizzie and Evenstevens other than that the FILMS SUCK! Oh Disney your really burning your company down. it's like the Britney Spears story very popular and then she worked to suck that way she would not have the meadia after her but it back firedbecause now everything has a resason to think that's shes not all that great anymore, poor stories:(


Yeah I really miss thoose movies! They never air them anymore. We should like all make complaints! haha.. also you can find it on I still havn't bought my copy of Wish Apon A Star yet. I do need to soon cause I Love that movie! I think I once taped it on a vhs but I forgot. Plus I can't find the tape. lol. And don't yall remember the tv show The Jersey? I loved that show!


the show that you're thinking of is the jersey. I actually hated that show but i loved brotherly love. I was too young to appreciate so weird when it was around but i know that if it was still on i would love it now


I don't know who you are kidding--
HANNAH MONTANA absoluty rocks my world! I loveeeeeeeeee that show!
That's So Raven has an occasional good episode--
BUG JUICE sucks! They are showing it this summer as they do every summer.
go to



The name of the movie is "Frankenstien and Me".


In response to the originial question about the movie, several years ago Disney Channel was forced to change their line-up of movies and tv-shows to a more kid-friendly format (as did Nickelodeon). Wish Upon a Star features some suggestive scenes (the dominatrix costume, the short skirts, making out with the boyfriend in the car...etc.). So naturally Disney had to axe it (along with Boy Meets World).



i didnt see that it was on
and that makes alot of sense with the kid friendly thing cuz i was thinking to myslef that i used to LOVE the disney channel over nick cuz i didnt have one single cartoon and i liked that and i thought disney was way better when i was growing up then now with shows like kim possible and the proud family
so it all makes sense now thanks!


Disney Channel has so changed for the good and bad in my opinion.....lets just say you can never beat the originals no matter how hard you try. Like I love Wish Upon a Star, Zenon Girl of the 21st Century, SMart House, Thirteeth Year, Halloweentown etc.......sequals are


Ahh I know... I miss this movie sooo much. I remember being little...and loooving this movie... like everytime it came on!! They should bring it back.


they only show *BOY MEETS WORLD* at like 1:30am
I only like the episodes when they are like 25 when Cory marries Topanga.
(who ever names their cute little baby "Topanga" is anybody's guess but--okay)


disney sucks now. i feel so old saying this but i wish for the good old days of disney, and growing pains, flash forward, smart guy, ready or not.. i miss tucker and busy.

Hawks are the FUTURE



omg i loved bug juice! it really is a good concept for a show but there's just one thing. i don't know if it's just the girls at the camp that i went to but at summer camp people tend to be well 'inappropriate' and idk if camp like would be kid friendly. wow..........that makes it sound really bad but come on, it's teenagers away from their parents.


homegrown, same for me! Disney is sh it now. All of there shows are stupid and not funny. It is so watered down. I remenber coming home from school and watching the Disney channel all day. You could watch all of the shows back to back without getting bored. I also used to love the babysitters club.

With Nickelodeon, I used to love Kenan and Kel, Rugrats, and All That (original castmembers).


omg i agree wit u i luvd teh old nick wit kenan and kel and the old all that the good 1 the funny 1 now its cheesy jokes.
i luv this movie it was so good now movies r stupid wtf is up wit a twins that are witches lame!


i love all of those old disney original maovie. i miss them and i wish they would play them again. i don't if anyone remembers Can of Worms. i don't remember all the details, but it was about aliens. i think somme kids got sucked into a parallel universe or something. i think there was a talking alien dog, too. one of the kids was in underwraps. another movie i love is Susie Q.

this wasn't on disney (i don't think it was), but anyone remember goosebumps. anyone hear of the movie Breaking Free. it had jeremey london in it. it's about a jeremey's character being sent to a camp for the blind, because he did something bad. i think it was either go to jail or go to the camp for the blind. it's been a long time since i've seen the movie. does anyone remember the movie Magic Island with Zachery Ty Bryan? or Principal Takes a Holiday, also with Zachery Ty Bryan?



yes I remember Can Of Worms I loved that movie! They need to start showing all of the old movies again. Also Smart Guy that was the best show!!


My Date with the Presidents Daught & H-E Double Hockey Sticks should be on the good too!
Oh man Can of Worms and P.U.N.K.S are great too!
Any of you guys remember that old school nickelodeon show Are you afraid of the dark?


JEEZ!! Wish Upon A Star used to be on like all the time and I remember plopping down in front of the TV and not getting up until it was over. But yeah I was like 6 or something so I didn't get a lot of it like the jokes and stuff but it was still good... I miss it 'cause I'd understand it better now. Wish Upon A Star, Stepsister from Planet Weird, Halloweentown, SUSIE Q!!! and more, OMG I miss those movies... now its just sh!t like Kim Possible, Phil of the Future, those stupid blond chicks (Aly and her ugly sister with the messed-up mouth who can't sing), That's So Raven, the one with the hotel and those annoying kids, Proud Family, High School Musical (has got to be one of the worst movies ever), and more. Those shows that dumb kids down, encourage them to be immature and annoying lol. Also all they care about at Disney is hiring little kids who can "sing" and launching their "careers" like Hilary Duff with Lizzie Mcguire. Lizzie McGuire started the downfall of Disney lol.
Disney Channel used to be great, but forget it now!! And Nickelodeon as well... I'm so sick of Jamie Spears, Drake&Josh and that lame excuse for All That. Wow I guess there's no bringing back the good old days...



I don't know what I'd do jsut 2 c this movie again. I can't actually find it in stores tho it's out on DVD. Y don't tey just play it on TV likethey used 2? Now half the time it's Cheetah girls (the worst movie ever made) or that Irish movie. Anywhere we can go 2 request it 2 be on there 4 one nite?

Scream your heart out - lostprophets


seriously, this was my favorite movie EVERR in fifth grade lol, i watched it everytime it was on. i mean, come on, it has to be better than like wendy wu.


I vote we sue Disney Channel on account of making us sad!
God, I remember every movie/show you guys are talking about...probably because I'm only 14. But that's not the point. I'm looking on IMDb at random people and I'm just finding all these old shows/movies that they were on. STUPID DISNEY!!!
That channel used to be my LIFE, but nooooo. Now it's filled with crap. *cough Lizzie/Phil/Suite Lifecough* and all that other junk. We should all sign a petition (even thought i'm sick of those!) and tell Disney to show these old movies again! Kids nowadays that watch Disney, have no idea what good movies are!

R.I.P. Jonathan Brandis


I remember a show with this girl n it & her guy friend Tucker & in 1 epi the school had a slam book. N-e1 remember this show's name? I 4got it & I wanna go 2 it's board really bad.

Scream your heart out - lostprophets



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