MovieChat Forums > Tin Cup (1996) Discussion > This is one of the best sports movies ev...

This is one of the best sports movies ever made.

Any comments?


I agree completely ... and was thinking the same thing. And I love sports movies.

I am always a little "put off" at certain sports movies, no matter how good the story is, because the abilities of the athletes stretches credibility. As good a movie as, it crumbles when you see un-believable athleticism.

Costner was believable as a golfer, and though they took some liberties ... it was plausible that he could comptete for the US Open.

I expected little of this movie when I first saw it .... but it is one of my favorites. Lots of great lines and moments. The therapy session is classic.


Just watched this on channel 13 yesterday. And you know what they did??? They deleted so much of it to cram in as many freakin' commercials as they could that they didn't even show the ending!!! The last thing we see before going to the ever annoying commercial is Tin Cup scooping the gal up in his arms and carrying her off. I have the tape, that's not the problem. But when they show it on tv they owe it to those who are watching to put in at least the end for those who might not have seen it and won't know how it ended. Cut about half of the commercials, people responsible for showing movies!!!


I don't watch movies on regular tv anymore because they cut them all up like that.


channel 13? far to many bloody yanks on this site. Live in a proper country mate, yeah ha!


Sorry budy but any country outside of the U.S. is basically considered a 2nd world country. Only proper country is the U.S.


I agree 1000%

I LOVE this movie.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Sorry to disappoint but when ~15% of your countrys population lives under the poverty-line while your country is slipping further into a debt it'll never be able to repay you're pretty much a 3rd world country.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.



one of the best. up there with rudy, major leauge, slap shot, and the ever popular, happy gilmore.

"the snozzberries taste like snozzberries"


I think you have low standards.


Wow! I'm stunned by your comment here.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but this is no where near the top for me. I like the Greatest Game Ever Played 100 times more than this movie.

I wish I would have loved this more. It was more of a chick flick, so my wife says. And she hates chick flicks more than I do.

- The Truth is Out There, and I found it in Christ!


legend of bagger vance and greatest game ever played are both 100% better than this, happy gilmore is funnier, but its still a good movie though...

BTW according to trivia costner can play him self, so its believable that he's a golfer..

This is YOUR LIFE and it is ending one minute at a time!


bagger vance was aweful the book was much better although i guess thats what everyone says about reading the book and comparing it to the movie version and that ugly ass swing Decaprio had was enough to make me want to kill myself. The greatest game ever played was pretty good but that actually happened so i think that is why i give it the credit i do that the story itself is more impressive than the actual movie this is hands down the best golf movie made, aside from caddy shack of course.


aside from jean van develd, john daly also did the same thing in a tournament once and walked away with a 13. sometimes pride just steps in the way of common sense


I take some issues with this list:

but not in this case. Great movie:



I don't understand golf at all but I love this. It's so funny and I love KC in this too. His hair is just right, dark and cut cute. Great all the way around.


I don't golf either, too old now. I appreciate the game. I could watch this movie over and over. I have always liked most of Kevin Costners movies. I also loved Cheech Marin in this movie. I think he is an under appreciated actor.
