There was no way, he would have been interested in her. They had NOTHING in common. Stoney was way to negative towards him almost brushing him off, yet he kept trying to pursue her. He should have been more interested in Vivica Fox's character, they had more in common being from banks, and Vivica was more classier.
Beyonce from Obsessed: "that woman wa' naked in yo' beddddddd!!!!"
1. Jada Pinkett was the biggest star at the time the film released- so of course producers were going to make sure her character had the love interest. Remember she even got top billing over Queen Latifah.
2. Vivica Fox's character was NOT classy, at least not in the sense that Underwood would have been interested. Both Frankie and Cleo were Ride or Die types- remember they were the ones that had no issues robbing banks- while TT and Stony had reservations.
3. The style in the mid 90s (from black women at least) was dressing like men. Look at the music group TLC - always in baggy jeans and outfits. Jada's braids were ALWAYS done, just not in a 2012 style. Remember this is 1996.
4. Stony's TRUE love in the film is her brother. That is all she cares about, all she has left. She even sleeps with the sleazy car owner just to afford his college tuitions. We seem to forget this. Once her brother died, she loses that part of her passion in life. Now she just wants to get out. So in a way, Underwood was a breath of fresh air- a man who asks her "Where do you see yourself in five years?" He clearly has bigger aspirations. When Stony asks Cleo the same question, Cleo says "I don't know. And I don't care." There's your answer. Stony had two different worlds she was communicating with. Had it not been for the bank robberies, she would have gotten hooked up with Underwood.
5. Why was Underwood interested in her? He says it at the beginning: "You're THAT fine." Case closed.
..great movie. I liked how the movie didn't cop out sort of speak with Stoney's character.
- Stoney could've easily dumped her friends, start a long relationship with the rich banker, and later leave there with him, like she wanted. So she can feel "free" for once. But, this movie doesn't take the easy way out, Stoney is a loyal friend and has troubles of her own.
Men regularly marry waitresses, escorts and women from third world countries that barely speak English who might have a 5th grade education. Yeah, most people marry people of the same "status" but that gets boring and soul killing for a lot of people.
I don't think he was too good for her. I found him to be pretentious and I was suspicious of his motives the entire time. If anything he saw a woman who was hot, and may have been tired of dating the snobby, superficial women in his tax bracket (as demonstrated by the snobbery on this board).
1) The Forbidden Love aspect: To make it clear that none of the four women got away clean by their choice to do this. 3 of them lost their lives, while Stoney has to live with that her friends are dead and the fact her and Keith couldn't be together because of this. She got the money but did it make her happier with all she lost?
Especially since Keith was the complete opposite of her to emphasize, it just wasn't mean to be
2) Suspicion: Remember Frankie was implicated in the bank robbery in the beginning of the film. Keith would have been suspicious of her and her motives.
3)Frankie was the Mastermind: Of the four, Frankie and Cleo had the more suspect reasons to rob the banks. Frankie was revenge for being unfairly fired and Cleo wanted to be a gangster. Stony and TT were more sympathetic stories with what they lost.