SPOILERS ALERT, at the end...
... when Nicolas Cage's character told the bureau that Sean Connery's character died and that his body vapourised...
Besides the fact that this is obviously not true, what if at the end he doesn't succeed in getting away at all and they ultimately discover he is still alive, would Cage's character at least be in serious trouble if not legally so?
And would Connery now have to get plastic surgery and change his identity given how he agreed to fake his own death, and in the meanwhile, how is he going to survive on small change, where is he going to find shelter, under what phone name and kind of phony IDs would he have to register?
P.S. And did they even need to fake his death at the end? Could he have not been pardoned especially since him and Cage have thwarted a major terrorist plot that could've killed thousands if not millions of American citizens?