This movie offended me :(
I really didn't like this movie because of me being an overweight
person. There was a lot of fat jokes in it, that I don't like.
I really didn't like this movie because of me being an overweight
person. There was a lot of fat jokes in it, that I don't like.
Yeah I have to agree. If you don't like being overweight, then lose some weight. Seriously.
shareHow the hell can you be offended by a movie that sends the message not to profile someone based on their weight?
And like the rest said, you can't be offended for fat jokes because you're fat.
Here's the thing. You don't like being fat? Lost some weight. Either put in the effort or shut up. Cause seriously, beaching yourself then crying about it is just pathetic.
If you are actually trying, good for you. But something tells me if you really were, you'd have gotten that message instead of just trying to be offended.
I'm a bit overweight myself. The difference? I actually exercise, I diet properly, I'm losing the weight, and I don't cry about my weight because I knew it was my own damned fault. And I can actually LAUGH at this movie and fat jokes in general.
So really... PUT DOWN THE FORK AND LIGHTEN UP!!! (Figuratively AND physically.)
He's just offended cuz he's got more Crack than Harlem
Jesus love you, he loves you a bunch! Cuz he puts Skippy in my lunch!
omg! i love ur answer! lol
and its true. wat moron, no matter wat their size, got offended by the nutty professor. even if i had i wud b 2 embarrassed 2 tell any1 lol.
Count backwards from 10...chakra...breathe bitch!!!
Don't get offended, get into shape. Ask yourself a serious question, how many old fat people do you know? Not very many because they die early. Stop being offended and do something about it.
shareWhat does this matter? Is there some longevity competition or something? WTF. He just needs to stop being stupid.
And man what an idiot. *facepalms @ TC*
Can't believe he made this then didn't come back. Maybe he just lurked after he made it ROFL!
"how many old fat people do you know? "
most old people I see are fat......especially in Arkansas
If you're offended, eat less and lose some weight 4 F Sake..
don't be offended,this movie makes fat ppl look good. the real jackass was reggie-& he got his quite well.
I like you. do you like me?-borat
I'm offended by this movie as well. Not because of the fat jokes, I'm a big guy myself, but I'm offended by how they totally trashed a good classic with this sh*tty remake. This is, of course, only my opinion.
shareDuuuur I'm offended by a movie because I'm a fat ass that likes to eat cheese burgers and they make fun of douche's like me. WHAAAAAAAAAAA. For real dude, if this movie made fun of things that you don't have control over, like diabeties or a birth defect you'd have an argument. But because you're a fatty you're not allowed to be offended by it because you have control over your weight. Put down the chicken wing and pick up some weights, I have no respect for people like you who get offended about people making fun of you for committing gluttony. If you're overweight and aren't offended by this, then there's no problem, there are a million more things to be more ashamed about then being overweight. But you people who complain about this movie for making fun of you because you're over weight are just pathetic.
shareDon't be offended, it's the fat guy that wins the gal! It's the fat guy that's the nice guy. I'm fat, waayy fat and I found the movie funny. I got my bum stuck in a chair last week, yeah I was embarrassed for a second and then I laughed at myself 'cos I thought about how funny it would look to others and how impossible it would be to walk through the mall. So when Eddie Murphy did it, I got the joke (I've only just seen the film). The jokes were about everyone, not just us fatties. One of the messages of the film was not to judge a book by it's cover. Just think of Susan Boyle. Just enjoy the film.