MovieChat Forums > The Nutty Professor (1996) Discussion > Honestly one of the saddest scenes I've ...

Honestly one of the saddest scenes I've ever seen in a movie..

I've seen alot of movies, and I mean heartwrenching stuff like Schindler's List and so on. But that scene at the comedy club where he is totally humiliated and then has to take his date home . My God, the saddness is overwhelming . that scene makes me cry every time I see it, I feel so bad for him. Murphy really did an outstanding job there. It honestly comes to mind every time I think of tearjerker moments in movies. I saw this a long time ago and it still affects me...was suprised no one else had commented on it here. Occasionally when I see a very overweight person it comes to mind and it has made me more sympathetic to their pain I think.


I’m watching this now and it was a tough scene to watch. I told my husband I wouldn’t pay to see a comic like that.


Masterful tonal dissonance in the way it pulls emotions in polar directions, the juxtaposition of Klump's slow close-up reaction at being so publicly humiliated and the hilarious fatso jokes that rightly shame his obesity softly fading out with the scene make it transcendent.
