This movie is made of awesome

I love a good assassin film, so I checked this out on Netflix. Wow, I was expecting an exciting movie but what really took me by surprise was the script! This has some of the best one liners of any film. It's like The Boondock Saints, almost everything is quotable! Really awesome film!

"What happened?"

"I just saved your *** it was great!"

And I loved the badguy that could tell when people were lying to him. That guy played a pretty cool villain.

"The Square Root of Nine is Three!"


Were you always this stupid, or did you take lessons?

I took lessons!

So many great lines, and Samuel L. Jackson is hilarious.



Just watched it again this past weekend (and on Blu-ray for the first time).

Fantastic, fun movie.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Was stuck in a hotel room over the last couple of days and had a slew of current releases to watch... but decided to revisit this. Yeah, it's pretty crap, but boy is it fun- the script is great (I didn't know it was Shane Black- though if you would have asked, I would probs have guessed), the characters have chemistry and it never, ever takes itself too seriously.

Davis and Jackson are fab, but for my money, it's all on Brian Cox. Very funny, wish he has more screentime.



I agree about the script, it is awesome! So many quotable lines, some of my favs are:

What's happening?
-True love, shut the *beep* up

Hey, wanna have some fun?
-I'll save myself until I get raped

-stop am gettin a hard on

-We'll blame it on the muslims as always

-It's hard to fake killing 4000 we have to do it for real hahahaha that's so funny :D


Ingredients; Awesome (100%).


I never get tired of this one.
