This movie is made of awesome

I love a good assassin film, so I checked this out on Netflix. Wow, I was expecting an exciting movie but what really took me by surprise was the script! This has some of the best one liners of any film. It's like The Boondock Saints, almost everything is quotable! Really awesome film!

"What happened?"

"I just saved your *** it was great!"

And I loved the badguy that could tell when people were lying to him. That guy played a pretty cool villain.

"The Square Root of Nine is Three!"


I will not go to my grave until I learn how she did that cool trick with the shot glass.

The movie was full of awesomeness!

Fav lines:

Samantha: Easy, sport. I got myself outta Beirut once, I think I can get outta New Jersey.
Mitch: Yeah? Well, don't be so sure. Others have tried and failed. The entire population, in fact.

***Spying on 30 million people is not part of my job description.


start at your check holding the glass with your finger tips. Roll till you get to your month. take the shot and drop glass.

I apologize for grammatical errors- a side effect of IMDbing on my iPhone.


God I love that moment in the film. Geena Davis was so badass in this film. Thanks for explaining how the shot glass trick is done

WINGED FREAK...Terrorizes?....Wait till they get a load of me...


She was EXCELLENT in this.

And I loved that scene, too ~

Cheers to the director for that, also. Nicely done! 

"Much communication in a motion, without conversation or a notion"


I had been catching bits and pieces of it on Encore here and there, but never the whole thing. So I just picked it up on Amazon on Blu-ray and I was glad I did.

Seriously entertaining movie. Funny too. This was he peak of Samueal L's cool era.

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I know a lot of people my age and a little younger who like Boondock Saints. I've only seen it once and that was a long time ago. But I don't remember loving it.

I remember finding the whole thing very 2nd rate or amateur. It just didn't do much for me at all.

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Samuel Jackson (or Laurence Fishburne? (whatever)) was awesome, and Geena Davis is hot.

I'm leaving the country Mitch... I need a fake passport and I need money

Well why didn't you say so? Hold on a minute while I pull that out of my ass.


It is awesome. I saw it when it originally came out and for reason I thought of it tonight and was glad it was available for instant viewing on Neflix.

Just because I'm chained to the fence doesn't mean I can't bark at the car


Why do so many people confuse Samuel L. Jackson and Lawrence Fishburne? I really do not understand. They do not look alike, sound alike or even act alike.


Samuel Jackson (or Laurence Fishburne? (whatever)) was awesome, and Geena Davis is hot.

I'm leaving the country Mitch... I need a fake passport and I need money

Well why didn't you say so? Hold on a minute while I pull that out of my ass.

He has some seriously funny lines in this movie.

When Same/Charli first emerges from the shower and has now resumed her previous identity, the looks on his face are priceless. I think at one point, he actually says "Who the f-ck are you?!"

Then at the end, when he's all beat to hell and comes flying out of nowhere in the car and says "Ya'll can't kill me!" I lose it. Crack up every time.

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I agree!!! I caught this movie yesterday....first time I had seen it since the 90s and I forgot how damn good it is!! And Geena Davis was f'n hot!!! Especially when she cut her hair and dyed it!!!

Scott Pilgrim: I'm in lesbians with you.


i totally totally totally totally agree with you !!! this is what i call a real badass hollywood action flick...

given the production has the best action and the best one liners that one could ask for in a movie of this genre.

it is "nikita meets bourne meets bond meets salt meets mcclaine meets rambo" movie for me !!!

i don't know why such gr8 movies are rated so low at imdb.

geena davis deserved to become the lady bond but see what happened to her - she only did stuart littles !!!

last but not the least -- this film holds the record for having the most handsome villain in the movie history !!!


"No, honey, you won't die - they will."



This movie is so ridiculous full of win it`s silly.
