Funniest part

The absolute best was the end bowling scene between harrelson and murray. Bill Murray's hair stickin up everywhere and how he bowls the ball was just too damn funny! Then munson's hand comes off when mccraken shakes it and he just throws it in the crowd lol!! This is probably one of the funniest sport movies all of time. Great cast, great laughs and truly original. Not to mention the very sexy Vanessa Angel was she was just a little bit younger!!

"Man's reach exceeds his imagination..." - Hugh Jackman


Crazy snake guy, and Bill Murray's commercial when he gropes all the ladies.

I need a new cig.



Bill Murray's commercial when he gropes all the ladies.

This is my favorite part as well! When McCracken is under center with the hot mom he's calling out the signals to her son and then has this really creepy expression of satisfaction on his face: "Uh, a little deeper, Jonathan!" Murray was Comedy Gold in this! LOL!

"I can't believe that Bryce prefers Van Patten's card to mine..."


Ish- Watcha doin there Mr. Munson?

Roy- Flossin'

Ish- Flossin? Where'd I get Munson from?

Cracks me up every time

This film is as big a classic as Dumb & dumber


sometimes when i wake up in the morning, mr. mccracken's already there.

Oh, and remember, next Friday is Hawaiian shirt day.


the scene where Ishmael is crapping in the urinal lol.


just saw this movie for the first time, loved it..funniest parts imo are when the Amish people ask roy to take the horses shoes off, the horse is screaming for about a minute and roy walks out with the hooves, and when he is constantly vommiting after having sex with the gross land lady..i was gagging throughout that scene, yet couldnt stop laughing, far too many laughs to list, but those are the first to come to mind.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man." The Dude.



When Claudia's attempts to distract bowlers fail, and Ismael whispers a suggestion to Roy regarding the use of sheep for that purpose.



Bill Murray - "I pulled out way early on that one"

Vanessa Angel- "I think you cleared that up when you rubbed Tabasco in his eyes"


It's a quick little scene but I always laugh my ass off when Woody sees the crazy lady in the rear view mirror.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"
