Yes, he should be the main character in any adaptation, but they need to go back to the book to do it properly. Claude is the novel's main tragic hero/anti-hero: a brilliant young intellectual and priest, probably what we would now recognise as Aspie/high-functioning autistic, who destroys himself and all around him as he disintegrates under the pressures of a forbidden passion. I've been a fan of the book for around 35 years (the equivalent of Claude's whole lifespan!) and he's one of my all-time favourite literary characters. As an Aspie myself, I loved him and felt for him in his calamitous misreadings of people and situations.
I love, too, his intellectual preoccupations: on the cusp of the Renaissance, with the revival of Neo-Platonism and Ficino's publication of the Hermetic Corpus. He's a marvellous character. And he has his own laboratory....
"Active but Odd"