Would love a movie about Frollo

I don't think it'll ever happen (based from the Disney creation though).

However next year isn't there going to be a movie based off of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame titled 'The Bells of Notre Dame' (non-Disney movie I'll add).

I wonder who will play Frollo


Yes, he should be the main character in any adaptation, but they need to go back to the book to do it properly. Claude is the novel's main tragic hero/anti-hero: a brilliant young intellectual and priest, probably what we would now recognise as Aspie/high-functioning autistic, who destroys himself and all around him as he disintegrates under the pressures of a forbidden passion. I've been a fan of the book for around 35 years (the equivalent of Claude's whole lifespan!) and he's one of my all-time favourite literary characters. As an Aspie myself, I loved him and felt for him in his calamitous misreadings of people and situations.

I love, too, his intellectual preoccupations: on the cusp of the Renaissance, with the revival of Neo-Platonism and Ficino's publication of the Hermetic Corpus. He's a marvellous character. And he has his own laboratory....

"Active but Odd"


If we are to get a modern day adaptation of Hunchback of Notre Dame, whether it's by Disney or not, we need Benedict Cumberbatch as Frollo. They could easily make the character younger than he appeared in the Disney version.

Steve Harris of Iron Maiden is a Brony


Benedict Cumberbatch would be AMAZING as Frollo! He plays very sympathetic characters and also the villain really well. Physically he's a great match too!
