MovieChat Forums > Grace of My Heart (1996) Discussion > why delete the Jewish of it?

why delete the Jewish of it?

It seems clear that the major characters are based loosely on Carole King, Phil Spector and Brian Wilson. Now, King is Jewish, but her character is rich WASP. Spector is Jewish, but his character is Italian. Brian Wilson's wife (probably ex-wife by now) was Jewish (I can't think of her name). I just wonder why this was done, when so many people in the pop music business are Jewish. Being Jewish myself, this is a bit puzzling and offensive to me.


puzzling and offensive ? King saw fit to change her birth name from Klein to King (as in Martin Luther King,, keep in mind she was writing for the Shirelles and Motown pop so abandoning her very jewish name of Klein to turn her back on her jewish faith was pure greed at the time). She had several abortions. She drove Goffin to insanity or at the very least to the point where he is mentally unstable. Spector is a convicted murderer and Brian Wilson has destroyed his brain from repeated drug abuse and also beat his wife and kids. Do you really think the Jewish run Hollywood wanted to depict the true facts of her life ? Everyone knows the Jews run Hollywood which is why you havn't seen a Bernie Madoff bio yet when these bio's on public figures tend to hit the screen before the trial even begins. The fact that they made her a WASP from Philly (and even made reference to the irish catholic actress Grace Kelly and called the movie "Grace of my Heart") is offensive to Grace Kelly's legacy. It's the same thing with the Wall Street debacle. The Jews are running that effin mess too. Goldman/Sachs, Lehman Brothers, etc. No wonder they wanted the movie to be based on a fictional character. Enough people hate the Jews without writing and creating non-fiction about the likes of Carole King and Bernie Madoff. Hey JEP831 the next time you use the word offensive maybe you ought to look in a mirror or at the very least check out the background of your beloved ancestry when it comes to Hollywood and the banking industry.


@kevdun22 Where did ou get your info on Carole King/Gerry Goffin abortions, mental instability, etc?
Is there a biography out there somewhere. Thanks


Wow. It's a wonder us Jews don't just kill ourselves. We've done nothing but shame and victimize the rest of the world. From now on, I will cover my mirror so I don't have to face my own wretched Jewish self.

"I hardly know, which way is up, or which way down" - "I Feel Possessed", Neil Finn


Good question.


Since many key the characters are "loosely based" on real people, I'm guessing that by changing their religious backgrounds it offered another level of separation from the "real story" and thus a less litigious situation. Phil Specter particularly, I'm betting, which is why they had Joel Milner (Turturro's character) namedrop Specter in one bit of dialog, to separate the characters.
