MovieChat Forums > From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) Discussion > what do FDTD fans think of twilight?

what do FDTD fans think of twilight?

Hi guys, im doing a study on vampire movies, and twilight is the main focus. I was hoping you would comment on the twilight movies, whether you like them or hate them?

thank you.


Vampires do not sparkle. End of discussion.

Twilight was awful and I am sad to see it in the genre of a vampire flick..

"Your hair is like a sunset after a bomb went off! Pretty."


I personally love Twilight. I have heaps of the merchandise and thoroughly enjoyed both films from the Twilight Saga.
However, I freaking LOVE From Dusk 'Till Dawn and I would gladly put it in my top 5 favourite films of all time, while Twilight doesn't even make the cut.


twilight the books were ok...they were cute i guess. quick reads, appeals to the hopeless romantic part of me...the movies are terrible. i snuck into the second one, with about a half an hour left (we had just gotten out of fantastic mr. fox) and we couldnt stop laughing at how bad the acting is. the fans are crazy, and honestly the cullen family is an insult to vampires everywhere.

it bugs me when people refer to the twilight books as vampire books. there not. they are romance novels that happen to have vampires in them. as a romance novel (which i generally dont like) ther ok. as a vampire book?? FREAKING TERRIBLE.

Joss Whedon Stole my Life...and I loved it


Twilight sucks. End of story.

It is the way of men to make monsters; and it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers.



agreed. i am an avid Twilight fan, but it cannot hold a candle to FDTD.
also, even though i love the movies, i think they're overdoing it a bit with the merch.
they have a twilight snuggie now.
REALLY? REALLY? is my only reply to that.

Sleep all day.
Party all night.
Never grow old.
Never die.
It's fun to be a vampire.


hah favorite movie really? i enyoyed it but there is some really good other movies out there :D or u just doesnt watch alot off films perhaps ? :P i would put it on my top 100 and that is still pretty good ratings


don't post Twilight related crap in From Dusk Till Dawn boards, it's not even in the same league!

it changed the whole outlook on vampires, it's a pitiful disgrace

Savage Streets For Region 4!


Well, you must admit that From Dusk Till Dawn also changed the whole outlook on vampires. Before FDTD, vampires were considered to be upper-classy, lonely, distinguished gentlemen, who slept in coffins during the daytime, wore impeckable outfits and seduced their victims by persuasion, charms, and wit. And they killed because they needed the blood.

With FDTD, we were introduced to a whole new kind of vampires with features that varied gravely from the features usually attributed to vampires before FDTD. These were flock-hunters, who not only were interested in blood, but they even ate their victims. Their faces morphed, when they showed their true nature, also a new feature, and probably inspired by zombie movies. And they attacked in a far different manner than classical vampires did.


Have you seen Bigelow's "Near Dark" (1987)? Nothing like From Dusk Till Dawn but it also eschewed the depiction of vampires as the usual mansion dwelling, upper class types. Well worth a watch if you haven't seen it.


Thanks for the recommendation. Haven't seen it, but I'll check it out if I find it.


Ah, my favorite vampire movie, #1 by far although I love FDTD also. I also have a soft spot in my heart for The Lost Boys. I may resent it a bit for stealing ND's thunder but it stars Keifer Sutherland. *sigh* For TV vampires, check out Kindred: The Embraced. Another non-traditional bloodsucker. Although Nick Knight and Lucien LaCroix ain't bad either.

As to what I think of Twilight...? Actually, I try not to. It makes me feel faintly nauseous. Vampires should be covered in blood, not sparkles.


At first, I just didn't care for them. But then, someone pointed out that they ruined vampires. I had never thought of it that way. I had a new-found hate for the movie. I thought about this, Stroker, Blade, Dunst, everything good about vampires. Gone. All gone.

"All right, ramblers. Get rambling."


Most deff different leagues...FDTD is like the top tier BAR with grown ups and sexy ladies where twillight is like the kids area in mcdonalds


I liked the first movie a little. While I think having vampires sparkle in sunlight is just undeniable *beep* I thought there was some nice chemistry between Mr. Pattinson and Kristen Stewart and some scenes were genuinely sweet. The sequel was horrendous though.

Can I borrow your towel for a sec? My car just hit a water buffalo.


I'd say that Twillight and From Dusk Till Dawn are opposites. Twillight is a love story with romantic drivel, while FDTD is a bloody action-movie with quick tongues (wich is what you'd probably expect from a script by Tarantino). If I had to choose, I'd go with FDTD, it's more my style. Twillight is OK, though.


I don't think Twilight is primarily a vampire movie.

It's a romance film with vampires thrown in.

Like Bull Durham isn't a baseball movie. It's a romance with some baseball in the mix.

Dusk til dawn is a vampire movie. Just not really comparable to Twilight. And I gotta say I kind of liked Twilight. It's just a different type of film.



FDTD = awesome with just a few flaws, but still a great gory flic worth 2.5 boxes of popcorn.
Twighlight = I just threw up in my mouth, f'king STUPID!

You're talking about two different kinds of movies, enjoyed by two entirely different kinds of people. FDTD is excellent gore with rowdy leather-clad tough guys and rip-roring sexy chicks. Twighgay is enjoyed by faggy little teens who can't complete a sentence without the words "like" "totally" "OMG" and think ponsy pretty sparkling boys with magic powers is somehow romantic & kool. F'ck that =)


i didn't mind Twilight until someone told me that the vamps sparkle in sunlight. They take the number one weakness of a classic monster and turn it into a complete joke.

Its like if Werewolves are out during a full moon instead of turning into a wolf, their hair grows long and they need a haircut and become a hippie.

From Dusk Till Dawn is a classic vampire movie. Twilight is a fad that will disappear after Breaking Dawn Part 2.


haha.. a little late, but I agree. I just watched FDTD again and it was pretty entertaining, not the best Tarantino movie, but about 100 times better than any twilight movie. I wouldn't even consider "twilight" as a vampire movie, it's basically a stupid movie for little pre-teens to go crazy over Edward or Jacob. It's really annoying.

People do stuff, it's a fact.




You should check out I <3 Vampires. It's a web show that pretty much makes fun of vampire groupies and hardcore twilight fans.

My opinion on Twilight is that VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE! Vampires going out in the sunlight is just plain wrong. It's a terrible role model for young girls. Bella defines her life and happiness on being with a guy. When she's left, she shuts down and turns to dangerous activities.
