Remake with Jason Sudeikis
As Doob. Husband? Liam Neeson. Who should be the wife and daughter?
Make this happen!
As Doob. Husband? Liam Neeson. Who should be the wife and daughter?
Make this happen!
I'll play. Since Jason is the one person I'd never thought of, but crazy good...
Mom: Chloe Sevigny
Daughter: the Chloe Chick from Dance moms.
Now to get REALLY crazy; so crazy it just might work?
Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Anniston, make the kids a tad older and one a boy and yes I am... Emma Roberts, Nick Offerman with your original dad, too. Make us be pained that it's so serious and good we can't get over that it's not a comedy.
The writing was bad. No actors can fix that.