5.4 ou of 10???

The ratings system on here is such a joke. I've seen movies that were complete garbage that received 6.5-8 ratings. This movie is obviously not an Oscar winner, but it was very entertaining. The cast and crew should be commended for this diamond in the rough...especially Ferne Cassel.

Hollywood...just one step away from reality.


More like 9.9, Mark. I deducted one-tenth of a point for the way cheapskate TV affiliates, in my area, keep scrunching up the end-credits (so they don't have to pay Village People royalties for the use of "In The Navy").


I've never even seen the "In the Navy" ending :-(

But yeah, this movie is pretty good. Not an oscar winner, but excellent at what it tries to achieve.


Ask and ye shall receive.........


"Son-of-a-bitch must pay!!"


Yeah, it is very, very weird. For a "stupid" comedy, it's actually quite clever. And it's definitely funny. I'm not much of a comedy guy; I like comedies and all, but they have to be pretty special for me to actually laugh and thoroughly enjoy myself. This one has me in stitches in a couple of places and somewhere between a big happy grin and a good laugh the rest of the time.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


totally agree with OP


I agree. I just watched it on cable and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was clever and funny. I am disappointed I missed this when it was released in the theaters. I think I probably did not watch this then because I thought it was going to be like Hot Shots that starred Charlie Sheen which parodied the Navy. That movie sucked.


Underrated for sure. Very rarely a low ambition film comes together and just 'clicks.' This is one of those films.

The movie works on the level of being a silly romp, but it breaks through based on the chemistry of the cast. Grammar's portrayal of Dodge is actually a good study in leadership style, and the supporting cast of Rip Torn, Bruce Dern, William Macy, Harry Dean Stanton and Rob Schneider is excellent. There is enough clever naval strategy to maintain interest.

It really is a good film.


Yup this is a total mystery.

I am normally not impressed with movies from this sub-genre but absolutely love this one.


What I find even more interesting is how universally loathed by critics as a poor performance...

I believe that Down Periscope is very much a Navy movie. It has its faults, and I know that submariners will quickly point them out, but for all that it remains an excellent representation of the attitudes of the submarine service.

It's not going to be funny to people who can't appreciate the Navy humour. Like Patrick Hrabe's "Hey, Shipwreck!", it just doesn't make sense. And yes, at times the humor is crude and simple... but I think submariners prefer it simple; they've got enough complicated stuff to worry about.

Those who like it, like it a lot. There isn't too much middle ground. Thos ewho don't like it just feel that it isn't funny--no glaring faults; just not entertaining.

As a result, the movie is praised by those who care to opine, but rated low.

"You feel the way the boat moves? The sunlight on your skin? That’s real. Life is wonderful."


i'm not a 'comedy guy' normally, got lured into watching this movie once, and wow... imo the most underrated comedy EVER.

Disreguard the sub goofs, and navy goofs, this is clearly not a realistic movie about subs or the navy, it's a movie with the one mission of making you laugh, if it succeseded, you must upvote this.

i did.



I thought it was pretty funny and accomplished what it's meant to. Not sure why anyone uses the word "Oscar", even "not an Oscar worthy film"... I think we all know that and understand it's a fun comedy (or has the majority of IMDB really become that retarded?)

This movie actually has some brilliant writing, really witty and funny. All in all it was good, I just saw it and would give it a 7/10, so I am not shocked at the 5.4 rating (look at any pure comedy film on IMDB, I'm saying purely comedic, not drama first then comedy, and tell me of a film rated higher than a 7.0). Even the Big Lebowski is not a pure comedy, while it's a damn funny movie it also has a dark and serious side to it as well. Same goes for one of the movies I laugh at the most, Dr. Strangelove... it even has some slapstick type humor with Peter Sellers (amazing peformance), but of course it's not a pure comedy, rather a mix of many genre's, and of course Kubrick genius. Monty Python films are the only ones i can think of, Holy Grail and Paul, but even those films are such a different take on a comedy, though they are extremely funny they aren't simple "comedies" like these.... though I'd say they are the closest to being a pure comedy on the top 250 as can be...

People as a majority just don't understand how to rate a comedy. It's as if it was the funniest film they'd ever seen but was purely slapstick and "fun" with no subtle undertones or drama they feel that giving it a "7" is the highest they can go, let alone a 10 or 9. Now I did give this film a 7, but I am rating it on the comedic film spectrum, meaning I really was surprised and enjoyed it, great cast and wit, but it isn't in my top 10 (or even 20) pure comedies. Maybe on a rewatch or two it goes up, you never know.

I wish people would learn to rate comedies as they are. But to continue coming to IMDB forums and posting "you're surprised" by the actions and ratings of the majority for pure comedies as well as the way new films are rated way too high (and gradually fall over time, large amounts of time as in multiple years...) then you're just annoying yourself... it's been this way for 5 years at least now... to expect anything different is insane. The majority of users aren't going to just miraculously realize "well 2011 was a mediocre year for film and I guess I shouldn't of given all those 9's and 10's out to MoneyBall, Immortals, and Real Steel". All good films (well I disliked Immortals), while the other two were good at what they did, just not that great (feel Moneyball is way overrated, but still a good film).

Slapstick comedies or comedies like this just don't get rated on their own scales, as they should be. Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore (Sandler's few funny movies, of course his first ones

Notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn’t have f’ed with? That’s me.


I personally gave it an 8. IMDB doesn't take into account a lot of 1 and 10 votes from people who tend to vote a lot of 10's and 1's.

"Deadlands 2: Trapped" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1103262/


I gave it an 7


I really liked it, only saw it for the first time at the weekend and agree with most on here. Totally under rated in my opinion and fully deserving a respectable 8.


I agree. I give it a solid 8. There are a lot of really, really stupid comedies out there that aren't the least bit humorous. Down Periscope is a fun watch the whole way through, with some real laugh out loud moments. It is one of the few movies I can watch over and over and not get bored of it.
