Anyone else NOT like Sarah?
I realize she's the character we're supposed to empathize with in this film, but I find her self righteous. She's the new girl, and she acts like the moral authority and totally ruins the fun for the other girls.
It's not like they were hurting random people. Every person they hurt did something to deserve it, and I didn't feel bad for any of them. Goody-two-shoes Sarah just had to make sure they got "punished" for it. She had no loyalty.
Chris didn't care about anyone but himself and his reputation. He hurt both Sarah and Nancy by spreading rumors about them. It was Sarah's spell that made him fall "in love" with her. He wasn't a "nice guy", he was under a spell and got humiliated like he did to them. I didn't feel bad for him at all, even after what Nancy did to him. He wasn't even his own person at that point, he was brainwashed from Sarah's spell. His existence revolved around being tortured by the thought of Sarah, and Nancy put him out of his misery.
Laura harassed Rochelle for being black, and had her hair fall out. Even in the scene where she was crying saying "What did I do to deserve this?" I didn't feel even slightly bad for her.
Bonnie didn't do anything to anyone at all. She got rid of the scars on her body, and was punished for what? Acting narcissistic? So what? She has the right to feel comfortable in her own skin, and she wasn't hurting anyone.
I wasn't rooting for Sarah at the end. I don't think she deserved that sense of moral superiority, to become the authority on witchcraft and hand out punishments. I felt bad for Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle. I hated Sarah.