They really silifie a few things to the extreme but Lous acting and the circumstances still can´t make him the devil,it can make him a man who made the decision of a coward.
Burt first off,His..."MUTINY" him asking all involved,all platoon members if they should split. Ryans character says-No,we´re not leaving...Rawley,Caffrey,something. End of story. Her decision,she the man.
But I understand Monfriez there,at least see what the rest say,they are sitting ducks,it´s life or death. He didn´t go and didn´t really take power by force or try to,he insinuated"maybe not anymore." as to who´s the leader.
The script simplified everything about him and I still can´t help but to understand him a bit. When he says"I WAS a good a soldier...a Good soldier.",I think he refers to overall,his career.... he ask Denzel how it felt to kill his own men,if it hurt,if he thought of it everyday and Monfriez teareyed second that. So...
When he accidentally shoots Sterling,it´s 1. A real,honest,huge,big mistake,they have their weapomns against one another. 2. He says he didn´t mean it,looks regretful but the script doesn´t help Monfriez more then that,we need a baddie. "There will be a reckoning",she says. Both for shooting her and his suggestion"A crime punishable by death.",she of course has to add. Death.
They couyld´ve let us see him show a bit more remorse but he projected his issues through training,telling all those at camp who he bossed arounf that you do anything for your partner,never leave a man behind." In huis way making a mense,dealing with his subconcious guilt his ego keeps pushing down.
Not hipocracy,clearly guilt manifested that way since I believe he had a big ego. He gunned down a few enemies,didn´t seem like a total punk,gave Denzel the permissuion to exit the vehicle,strongly suggesting it,sir and took his life. I believe that overall Monfriez was a good soldier but circumstances or fate,choose,tested hios limits and moral to the max,to his breaking point and this is how he ha´ndled it. He made three gigantic mistakes/idiot things for which I think he should be punished when it comes to one of them,ther obvious one. Thde others one the chopper were like"Huh? She is? Oki..."
Good film,Swick is a good director.
Phillips stiole the film,saw it last night. tired of denzel playing Denzel....and damn,Damons heroin addict was skinny,creepy.