Funniest Scene

What is the most funniest scene ever in the movie or just plain funny.
the funniest part when chris farley fell on david spade when chris was sleeping on top of the bunk LOL! Whenever i think back to that scene makes me laugh so hard.


I would have to say the funniest part is when David Spade runs into Gary Busey and he says "I can start a small fire in your mama's panties."


The funniest scene I thought, was when the podium fell on Chris, and he fell on top of Governor Tracy, and when he was trying to get up, it looked like he was having sex with her!!!!!! LOL!!



yeah, the bunk bed scene was great.
i laugh hysterically at the
whole bat scene. farley-"why are you
kicking me?!"



The whole scene in the cop car was the only funny scene.

"Rowds. Rowaaads."

"That's such a weird word"

"I'm stoned."

Y'all hear that? We're using code names.


The scene with the reggae group all the way through "Kill whitey!" That had me in tears almost.


Parking lot scene with Mike and the old people.


the scene at the side of the convenience mart:

"Smokin,' snortin,' shootin,' droppin,' poppin'...ah horse sh*t!"
"It's not as bad as it turns out he was giving the kids a talk about saying no to drugs."

F'in hilarious!


My favortie scene...

Steve: Steve Dodds

Cops: Who?

Steve: Steve Dodds, what does it matter!? You're a cop, he's got a gun!

Spade is classic in this movie.

"Wine me, Dine me, and stand up 69 me!" - Sue Collini


My sister, brother and I always say "I could go for some cupcakes or some peanut butter cup about now" when we want junk food. We also do fake headbutts. I love this movie.

"I am definitely a madman with a box." - The Doctor


You're totally right.
The way he says "this sucks" made me piss myself laughing. whatever it is about the delivery is just hilarious


The bat scene has me in tears every time. I love it when Spade and Farley are stoned and get pulled over for driving 7 mph.


Farley on top of Governor Tracy at the end is amazing. As the camera pulls back, Farley is doing this head bang thing, which was hysterical.

Also, when Farley and Spade play chess. So stupid, very WTF.

Finally, when the bird poops on the rock, which causes roll down the hill. As if an ounce of poop would cause they whole thing to fall. While watching it, I just about died.



I love how he cries, "Why are you kicking me?"


Those were funny.

How about "Kill whitey"?

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS
