MovieChat Forums > Bio-Dome (1996) Discussion > What did Monique and Jen see in Bud and ...

What did Monique and Jen see in Bud and Doyle?

These two have even lower IQ's than Beavis and Butt-Head and would even annoy the likes of Peter Griffin to the point of insanity. What the hell did these girls see in them in the first place? Pity? I guess that would explain at least ONE date, but to continue to be WITH them?


Many girls like losers.


Yeah, but usually they at least have a few likeable qualities about them, there's nothing to like about either Bud or Doyle.


I just seen this two weeks ago and I thought the same thing. There is nothing likable about those two. Just two dicks being dicks.


Yeah, the girls could've done a whole lot better than those two.


I think it's obvious. Bud and Doyle had access to some pretty trippin drugs. It works all the time.


Haha, trippin drugs. Funny.


They would get them girls all stoned up and take turns on them and they liked it.


Idiot! Weren't you watching at all?? Monique says very clearly early on that Bud can lick his back in a yoga pose, then later in the movie you see Bud leading the Biodome crew in yoga and Paulie Shore even puts his foot behind his head, you miserable fat dunce!

"Petra, you are a miracle."


this aggression will not stand man


well i can see your question and being bugged by it. I can try to answer it like this.

First of all they are not the ugliest guys in the world. Secondly they are laid back. Some girls like laid back. Adding more interesting facts! They have crazy up the yen confidence. They are not afraid to be who they are and could careless what people think. They act, dress and say whatever they want. Some women cant resist confidence. They seem to undo every bad thing they do with a great thing in the end. They dont beat the girls or hound them or act jealous. Many girls like that in guys. The time to yourself type. The girls also have full control over them. THey know they are too dumb to do anything bad or anything they cant control. They dont cheat, the wont leave, they'll pretty much do whatever the girls want them to do. They are also young like them and like having an open mind and experimenting with anything and everything. They dont restrict or act like they have any moral standards. They might like their youth never growing up and childish vibe.

Hope that helped. I can come up with more but I think you got an idea.

Why am I such a misfit? I am not just a nitwit.


some girls like funny guys.. plus things and attractions are different for different people.


Lack of options.
