Absolutely Cr*p

I'm sorry but this film is very poor (much like overcooked pasta). Don't waste your time watching this junk. The 9.99 I wasted on this could have bought my family an all-you-can-eat meal at Pizza Hut. So disappointed.

Gerry H.


just because you didn't understand the message of the movie doesn't mean its stupid. just means you couldnt relate and follow it.
no problems. we understand you.. now order your pizza hutt pizza and enjoy transformers 4!


yes it was complete *beep* and waste of time..


While I wouldn't call the film outright *terrible* due to the talented actors and nice locations, I have to agree with the OP that the film wasn't very good.

I respect Stanley Tucci and Tony Shaloub as actors, yet the script and editing needed some work. The film just dragged, there was no sense of urgency and the script never goes anywhere interesting.
