For starters, B&B are teenagers. Why would much older actors suit the part?
Secondly, hasn't everyone hated live action versions of B&B? Remember the dorks in Step By Step... or have you seen the B&B XXX video? No one on youtube has even come up with a decent version.
I can't see it working as a live action.
For starters, they wouldn't look the same. Hence the whole feel and vibe of the show would be completely different. Unless someone wants to get into makeup and try to look like this but then it would just be something along the lines of The Cat In The Hat, or The Grinch or even The Flintstones Movie. I can't see it being for adult audiences if they go that way, which would make them into crappy family friendly shows... like they where in Step by Step.
Going 3D I can't see working either. Meaning B&B are 3D, imposed into a real world like Scooby Doo. B&B would just look out of place.
As a cartoon is one thing, but as live action? The only way I could see it being pulled off is to go down the stoner comedy route. Which is not what B&B do. But to have them live action, it would look bad, and the comedy would be lost amongst two guys just sitting there laughing, not on drugs, and just being completely stupid. It works in cartoon form, but live action will be terrible.