Cast for REAL B+B Movie?

If Mike Judge wanted to get serious about a Beavis and Butthead movie, I would say Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. C'mon, Hollywoods best buds would be a great duo.

If it were something to just slap together for fun maybe Sean William Scott and Johnny Knoxville. But I'll stick with Matt and Ben.

Who would YOU cast?


john heder as butt-head and sean william scott as beavis.
Zelda Power forever


Keanu Reeves as Butt-Head and Alex Winter as Beavis... Wait...

"Stupid Banana-Raincoat-Wearin' B****."



I actually agree about Keanu Reeves (he'd never do it, but it would be hilarious). But the Jon Heder idea is perfect. So, they'd be my two.

Why take the escalator when I've got a perfectly good canoe?


I just watched Idiocracy and I think Dax Shepard Would be the Perfect Butt-Head, and maybe if it was cool (not talking about Age) Maybe Luke Wilson with dyed hair. That would be so funny.

Please Turn Me Over ~ Mr. Blue Sky


It won't be done. Mike Judge is a genius, I don't think he would OK a live action Beavis and Butt-Head. Besides, there are no actors in Hollywood that could pull off the essence of B+B. It would be more accurate to cast teenagers and most of Young Hollywood aren't the best choices. If there were to be a movie made that would be similar to live-action, it would have to be done in CGI. That's the only way it could possibly work. Plus I think a CGI Beavis and Butt-Head would be interesting. Other than that, I say just let the series lay. There's no real need to bring them back for any kind of movie.

Vampires are so overrated. Thanks Twilight!


zac efron would probably be involved. and shia.

heh, i was thinking john heder as butt-head and sean william scott as beavis too, but you might be on to something thar.

nah, maybe an SNL spoof at best. john and sean are dirty teen-movie veterans, they'd be awesome for the parts.


Beavis and Butthead should stay animated..I couldn't see a real B&B walking around.


I concur. How many times have we seen people try to do a real-life B&B? And how bad did they suck?

I dunno if you have seen the Beaver and Buttface porno, but man, that was some horrible impersonating, almost as bad as those morons who kept coming back on that show Step By Step.

Plus, Beavis and Butthead are meant to be teenagers, not 40 year old virgins, so NO, NO, NO, NO, and double NO to anyone mentioned so far.


sylvester stallone and arnold schwarzengger




I don't know who this guy is, but he needs to be cast as Beavis!


Keeanu Reeves as Butthead
Alex Winter as Beavis

... Beavis & Butthead's Excellent Adventure

Be excellent to each other... and party on dudes!


Mike judge as the voice of Beavis
Mike Judge as the voice of Butt-Head

Entire thing hand drawn and painted on animation cels.



"Mike judge as the voice of Beavis
Mike Judge as the voice of Butt-Head

Entire thing hand drawn and painted on animation cells.



Not that I can see Mike Judge ever ruining them in such a "dumbass" way as going live action.
