Pedophile's Delight
I wonder how many pedophiles are masturbating to this film....
shareI don't see much here that would interest a pedophile. At least not more than some other film that features children. There is no nudity. The implied sex scenes are short and don't show much.
Glenn himself is a child abuser, but not a pedophile. A pedophile is someone who perfers sexual relations with children to adults. Glenn perfers his wife as a sex partner, but used Bone once when his wife was unavailable in the hospital. He does rape her in the end, but that scene is more about power and punishment, and not really about sex.
If Glenn were a pedophile he'd be spending his time buying Bone gifts and trying to win her favor, not beating her silly.
My guess is the something like "Willy Wonka" featuring lots of kids would be more of a Pedophile's Delight than this.
You sound like an expert....
shareI am an educated person and a defender of this film which I think dramatically shows the problems associated with child abuse. I also think it is important to correctly understand terms and use them percisely.
shareHe is a pedophile. He got sexual pleasure from a child. He raped a child. No matter the circumstance (mom in the hospital, power trip) You can not be an adult male who finds sexual pleasure in a child and not be a pedophile- by definition. Was it triggered by the mom being unavailable. Perhaps, but I'd beg to differ...if it was just him not being able to be with the mother he would just have gone to another loose woman in he decided Bone suited him....pedophile.
shareAmen that would be like saying 'I sleep with women but I am not gay and I don't sleep with both men and women but that doesn't make me a bisexiual' denial! denial! denial! that is all it is. Face it, a pedo is a pedo and if they are right in claiming it is a diseases then cure yourselves and cut off your manhood.
shareMy point here is the pedophiles have certain recognized characteristics. Check out:
Glen really doesn't match up with most of these. He is the type of sex offender who might perfer adult women, but will use anybody he can get. His main chacteristic seems to be uncontrolable anger. The second rape isn't really sexual as much as it is a ultimate punishment for Bone for disobeying him. Rape, for the most part isn't about sex, it's about power.
Why is it important to understand the difference between the two types? Because if you think your child is safe from a person just because the person does not have the classic characteritics, that is not true. There are other people rather than "classic" pedophiles who molest children.
As for the issue of men sleeping with men but they are not gay, well check any prison. There is alot of male rape going on there just because females are not available, and the people involved would not consider themselves gay and would not persue male partners outside of prison. Alot of it, I suspect, is also about power.
Also my interest in the subject springs from the fact that I have had both family and good friends who were molested when they were young and it impacted them for life. And it wasn't always done by someone who would fit the "classic" characterists of a pedophile.
Why the F are you using psycho analogy and criminal definition to defend or excuse Glen's action?! Who cares if he is a pedo or not! He is a monster that should be put in jail and have his ass raped.
so you are saying a person who has sex with a little kid is not a pedo? LMAO
I Need To Know
wrong, Glen is a Pedophile by definition.
Zaphod's rights. That's why there are pedophiles and then there are child abusers.
Thank you! I'm so tired of explicit child molestation scenes in films. I know it happens, but you don't have to show it. The only people who WANT to see that in a film are those who would perpetrate it. I'm not saying it shouldn't be addressed in films, but implication is good enough. Those sorts of scenes haunt me (and not in a good way) and they are unnecessary to get your point across.
For those of you wondering what would be of interest to a paedophile in this movie, as if you needed to, you should note that the poster above me with the username SophiasDoll is a self-admitted paedophile who has a sexual attraction to the 11 year-old Jena Malone and has linked to his desktop wallpaper of the child. He's also watched this film upwards of four times now, and we can all imagine why.
Please see the proof on my profile regarding actual proven paedophile SophiasDoll
Not for the abuse scenes, those are ugly and no turn on at all!
If anything, I wish I could have boned Bone!
Jesus Christ, Kevin. You just broke your own record at making the most disgusting comment so far. Unbelievable.
Are you serious? That was actually pretty tame.
Quod Scripsi Scripsi.
What's curious is that these assumptions are born in Kevin's mind.
If you could attach a digital projector to Kevin's small but still working brain, you'd see the worst child porn you can ever imagine. That's how twisted the nutjob is.
It would be like a self-confessed serial killer sitting in a room with someone who's interrogating him, and the interrogator saying "So you killed the guy", followed by the killer looking shocked and going "What?! How preposterous! How dare you insinuate that I, a self-confessed serial killer, would even dream of murdering another human being! Such disgusting notions would normally never even enter my innocent mind if you weren't here! You'd better start looking within yourself, because anyone who could consider the possibility of a serial killer wanting to kill someone is an obvious nutjob."