Favorite Episodes???

A Room With No View and The Time Is Now were the sensational standouts for me!


Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me
Dead Letters
Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions
The one with Brad Dourif
The season three episode where a fugitive woman claims there's a conspiracy
The one with the adulterated tea samples

Je suis Charlie Hebdo.


This is my favorite episode to. I always think about the walnuts...lol

Wut my name is....


Dead Letters
The Curse of Frank Black
Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense
Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me

Deep down, I'm pretty superficial.


The Curse of Frank Black and the Midnight of the Century are my favourites. I watch these episodes every Halloween and Christmas. Both of them capture these seasons perfectly. Outside of these seasonal episodes. It would be The Mikado.



Millennium is the greatest series of all time.
I've log more viewing hours than most, this is a passionate expert opinion.

1. The Time Is Now. Its impact is profound and beyond description. Not enough space here to describe impact on my mind and soul.
2. The Fourth Horesman, prelude to greatest episode of all time.
3. The Wild and The Innocent. For very personal reasons this episode has touched me deeply.

Next episodes are not ranked by preference, too close to call.

4. Midnight of the Century
5. Luminary
6. Bardo Thodol
7. Anamneiss
8. The Sound of Snow
9. The Mikdao
10. Lamentation
11. Powers, Principalities, Thrones and Dominions
12. Owls
13. Roosters
14. Goodbye To All That
15. 522666
16. Matryoshka
17. Forcing the End
18. Omerta




The end ones with the serial killer. Any episode with Lucy Butler.


Second season finale. Best finale ever!!! I so hoped that it's how it ends. I mean, i liked Millennium but but that would be perfect end.
