MovieChat Forums > Everybody Loves Raymond (1996) Discussion > Pretty sad moment in the show that alway...

Pretty sad moment in the show that always stuck with me.

I don't remember the name of the episode since it's been a while, but one scene at the end really stood out to me.

Debra calls Ray out into the hallway and she seems upset and teary eyed about something. She tells Ray that the teacher called and that their child has to stay back another year because of a learning disability or something. Afterwards, Ray goes back into the room and gives them a hug.

That's a moment in the show that really stood out to me. It's one of those subtle emotional moments where I was like...damn.


I remember that episode, mostly because it happened to me

The 1st grade I could have passed with a D or an E, but they convinced my parents that another year would help my reading and comprehension and math skills

The worst part of it was the 1st 2 weeks of the next school year with EVERYONE including my 2 yrs older brother called me a "Flunky"
After 2 weeks I made new friends in the new class and the old ones moved on

My reading and math skills elevated considerably after that I had no problems with either,, When I was 25 got into construction swinging a hammer and ended a couple years ago as a General Superintendent building buildings


I remembered that episode after hearing of the suicide of sawyer sweeten, the boy who played twin Geoffrey Romano. In 2015, he shot himself in the head at age 19 and it completely shocked his family who hadn’t appreciated how depressed he was. It was hard to fathom one of those little boys in that scene would take his own life some 15 years later.


Well that escalated quickly. Sheesh.


It was a heart rending scene. It was a heart rending end to the actor’s life. Looking back at the show over a decade later (and a year after your post), I apparently saw a parallel between these “pretty sad moments.” I don’t even remember making the comment but I don’t know how this can be considered “escalating quickly”


I'll never understand why people like you always have to be so fucking argumentative on the Internet. Me saying "escalated quickly" wasn't even a knock against you at all. But since you're clearly not intelligent enough to grasp what I mean by that, you can fuck off already. I'm done with people like you on the Internet, and welcome to my block ignore list. That way, any reply you say to me will be completely ignored and I won't see it. Idiot.


Well that escalated quickly. Sheesh


It’s effectively handled and yes, all the more moving for its subtlety.
