MovieChat Forums > Everybody Loves Raymond (1996) Discussion > Who would you rather hang out with?

Who would you rather hang out with?

The show made about a million jokes about how Ray was a loser in high school with just a few nerdy friends, women overlooked him & he was occasionally bullied. Meanwhile Debra was allegedly a cool girl, part of the "in crowd", popular with guys, typical homecoming queen bee type. & she often makes it clear that she thinks she's superior to the entire Barone family, like in "Snow Day" (S6E14):

Debra: What do you want me to say? That I'm better than you? Fine, I am better! I was right! Yep, you got me! You know, I was never sure if it was true. But this, tonight?! I really have to thank you all. 'Cause you've made it crystal clear - you're all nuts!
Marie: That was wonderful.
Debra: So you're happy that I think I'm better than you?!
Marie: Not happy. I'm just glad we got this out. It's good to know.

The writers seem to want us to think Debra is the universally adored one, meanwhile Ray & his family are all crazy weirdos. So, who's personality do you prefer & who would you rather be friends with? A "loser" like Ray or a "cool" girl with a superiority complex like Debra? If neither, is there a central cast member you'd like to be friends with (Robert, Marie, Frank or Amy)?

A lot of men seem to think Ray portrays men poorly, but I think he's adorable, funny & sweet. I'd be his homie any day, but I'd never want to be in the same room as Debra.


I would hang out with Amy, Robert, and Debra.


I myself am kind of like a cross between Frank and Robert, personality-wise, though without the former's bigotry or the latter's whininess. I can see myself hanging out with them only, although Frank isn't someone with whom I could talk about anything serious, but Robert is someone I could.


Ray and Robert because they are hilarious together.

Debra is annoying.

Kid on bike "Where you going?"
Charlie Bright "Somewhere".


i'd hang out with robert and peter, i prefer more quirky people. frank is a bit too touchy and emotional but like ray they could have their good moments. i did like how frank would "tell it how it is" but he just lacked wayy too much sensitivity some times to others.

did anyone not mention kevin/ doug??

as for the women, even marie i could relate to a lot and i could see her being good company on occassions, when she wasn't nagging and critisizing she could be fun such as the episode where she is drinking with gianni and ray watching the action "pictures".. amy would be a good pleasant choice even debra has her moments.


I think I could get along well with Marie, even though I'm sure she'd criticize things about me and we'd have our spats, we enjoy any of the same interests, a love for learning language and new things, music, art, I studied Italian so she could help me with that. Deb and I could probably get along well too.



<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


I would hang out with Debra. I feel like she would be a lot of fun to hang out with if she was out of the house and away from the Barones. I feel the same way about Robert.

&#x22;Notice how I ride side saddle, it proves I&#x27;m a lady of quality.&#x22; Witch Hazel


Amy, definitely. She's sweet, fun, and doesn't have a mean or judgmental bone in her body.


I'd hang out with Gianni. He always makes me laugh.

I don't know if I could be friends with Marie. But then again, my own mother is a lot like her and we get along (most of the time). Some people just have very bossy personalities. You have to let a lot of what they say slide by you.
