I have mixed feeling about the end. I feel that they did nearly everything well, and I'm equally happy having them leave and be a bit sad about going, as if they had remained on earth. But they handled Mary poorly. The writers clearly wanted Mary to remain at home instead of being on some bizarre planet with a bunch of purple tubes, but the didn't want her separation from Dick to be too painful and sad and leave viewers with a bitter taste. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened. You can't just take away the memory of a person but leave them with their feelings of love and happiness, she'll be lost with all those holes in her memory, she'll wonder where that happiness and love went, her friends and colleagues will obviously bring Dick up at some point, especially since they'll be puzzled as to where he went. Haven't the writers ever heard the expression that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? It makes me sad because in my opinion, they had one of the best TV relationships ever. It took time for her to warm to Dick, when he broke her heart, it took real time, effort and tenacity on Dick's part to win her back, they had ups and downs, and you could really feel the love between them, and they positively ruined in in the eleventh hour. I just have to cling on to the interpretation that maybe Dick didn't really know what he was doing (as he often doesn't).