This film sucked

my room mate bought the holy schnikes adition whatever. and i hadn't ever seen the film before. I thought it was terrible, I maybe only laughed about once the whle film. hope I am not the only one who feels like this



everyone says this is like his most famous movie, I thought it was terrible. everyone talks like its one of the best comedies of all time


Didn't think it was all that bad. I laughed the whole way through, and it's one of my favorite comedies, right next to Airplane! and Raising Arizona.

"...of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most human."


I was disappointed too. The film was okay, kind of average. Is this Farley's best?


YOU BET IT WAS FARLEY'S BEST!!! It was way better than anything else he did. THis is my favorite comedy next to Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. When I showed this to a lady friend, she laughed all the way through.


how can u guys think it sux? do u guys have no sense of humor.



You guys must have weird senses of humor! I laughed out loud at least 10 times during the film. A bit of slapstick humor plus the sarcasm of Spade's character, Richard, made it a perfect comedy in my opinion.


Thanks mate. This movie was awful. I guess this is what they call American "Comedy". Fart Funny stuff.


You haters are fu*kin idiots. This movie is HILARIOUS.


You sound like a troll.

The film is obviously his best performance. And I would have to say it's one of the greatest comedies of all time. in my eyes...


This film did not suck. In fact, it was great. A hilarious film that ranks high on my top comedies list for sure.

There are so many funny scenes. Just the scene where the deer comes back to life was worth the price of admission.

I rank this a 9.

What do you find funnier?


I loved this film but hey not everybody is going to like it.

I'm running this monkey farm now and I wanna know what the *beep* your doing with my time?!?






Chris-Amazing, isn't it, how people will get all psychotically defensive over such a piece of trash?
Me-Amazing, isn't it, how people will go to a message board and be surprized at how people react to them bashing the things that they like. Amazing, isn't it, how people will waste time in a tug of war argument to which both sides have their own seperate rope.
Are you not psychotically opposed to this movie?
That, is AMAZING.




Ok. I read the review. Guess what I also found looking through Ebert's reviews...Clueless gets 3 and a half stars? Groundhog Day gets 3 stars? Ebert finds CLUELESS, a movie about valley girls with dialogue peppered with "as if" and "like, like, like", better than Groundhog Day, the highest rated comedy on IMDB if I am not mistaken. Home Alone 3 gets 3 stars and the original Home Alone gets just 2 stars?! Thats nice that you pointed out the bad review that Ebert gives to Tommy Boy but upon further review, Ebert is on drugs.



It's still better than that piece of sh-t Napoleon Dynamite


Planes, Train, & Automobiles, Holy Grail, Dumb & Dumber, Top Secret, Airplane!, or even more 'Liar Liar' could be described as some of pretty funny comedies...

this comment..I don't want to insult this movie explicitly..:D


I liked the movie.



hahaha this stupid idiot Roger Ebert gave 50 cents movie a 3 star?!?!?!?! like WTF is wrong with this moron

honestly, Roger Ebert should be kicked out of the whole movie industry, he doesnt diserve to say anything thats on his mind about movies, he should stick to cooking or some other *beep*

here look:

and i should even say some (if not most) of IMDB sucks, this place doesnt even have Scarface or BLOW (one of the greatest movies ever) in the top 250

anyways sorry for my off topic, gonna watch tommy boy fully tonight on TBS, nothing else to do :)

just dont ever mention Roger Ebert again please, i hate this mans opinions

happy new year!


I respect your opinion, everyone has a right to their own. I do not, however, understand how you and mcfly can complain about people being too argumentative in this movies favor when you are both just as argumentative against it.



Wow, you seem really mad


OK, so this is possibly the best movie ever made? Everytime I watch it I crack up... so yeah I think you pretty much have no sense of humor WHATSOEVER


Hey, I liked this movie.

Farleys energy is what makes me laugh so hard. Like he'll just spaz out and to me its entertaining.

I wouldn't say its the best movie ever or anything. It is pretty funny though.


I like the movie too but at first I didn't.


This movie is so hilarious, possibly one of the funniest of all time. Anyone who doesn't like this movie doesn't have an active(if any) sense of humor.

Did I catch a niner in there?-Richard


This movie doesnt suck, YOU SUCK!


Yeah i agree the original poster is an idiot.


the original poster made some stupid comment like his fist post


could have been worse.


anybody who hate Tommy Boy should be shot.

You are the first person that I have ever heard say something negative about this movie. Just about everyone likes this movie.
