The funniest slapstick scene from a Farley movie has got to be in Tommyboy, (or was it black sheep?), when he takes a puff on that bong at some party and he passes out and smashes through a table!! that had me in stitches! any others?
For pure slapstick, what about in Black Sheep when Farley is trying to get signal on the mobile phone and he walks into the branch? That fall looks so realistic.
im surprised no ones mentioned the part w/ the killer bees or the restaurant w/ the chicken wings! but i have to agree the best part is when hes supposed to be pumping gas and breaks the door off... i love tommy boy and i think everyone has to agree that david spade and chris farley were the best comedy duo ever.
my favorite was in almost heroes when Matthew Perry is trying to teach Farley how to read and write.
Perry starts out with the capital A. Farley has no problem with that. then they move on to the lower case a and again no problem but as soon as the move on to the capital B FArley flips out. genius.
I love in Blacksheep when he's distributing all the flyers out and he falls down the cliff. When he get's back up, he looks up at the cliff and says, "What the hell was that about". I just loved that part.
I love it in Black Sheep when David Spade and Chris realize their stoned because of the nitrous seeping into the cabin. And when he's pulls over onto the medium.
LoL, love that scene. Spade is having trouble saying the word "roads": "Rawads! Rooobs! I-I can't say that word". Then, Chris says he's wanted or banging horses and stuff, lol. Another Chris Farley scene I love is in Beverly Hills Ninja when he meets the girl for the first time in the Dojo and keeps destroying things: burning the sacred parchment, breaking the urns containing ninjas' ashes etc...
Oh yeah, the egg scene, that's a classic. His face when the eagle appears is hilarious. In Black Sheep, when he falls down the cliff, "every vote counts...AAAAAAAH OH NOO!!", brilliant. Not to mention the part where he's playing a game with Spade who's letting him win and a huge rock crashes the house, then we see both of them roll out of the house, I love that. Oh yeah, and when the roof blows away during the night and he crashes on Spade who was lying under his matress. Hehehe
LooL, that "I'm retarded" bit in Tommy Boy has me in stitches everytime. And that part where he's playingwith the fan in his office:
TOMMY "Luuuuke! Luuuuuke! I am your faaaatheeeer!" RICHARD (walks in) "Oh, I've interrupted happy time!"
RICHARD "What number did you call?" TOMMY "Heem 5...67..9er...4321..." RICHARD "I'm sorry, you're trailing off, and did I hear a 9er in there? Were you calling from a walkie talkie?
RICHARD "I think your brain is a thick candy shell" TOMMY "Yeah? Well, your brain has on it..." RICHARD "Are you talking?" TOMMY "Shut up Richard!"
Not to mention that scene in the diner with the waitress.
TOMMY "Helen, you look like a Helen. Let me tell you why I suck as a salesman...etc" (I havent seen it in a while so I dont remember it word or word)
In Tommy Boy when Tommy is playing around with the hooks and says, "I was checking the, uh, s... specs on the end line for the rotary girder. I'm retarded." So funny
Tommy: Forget it, I quit, I can't do this anymore, man. My head's about to explode. My whole life sucks. I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know where I'm going. My dad just died. We just killed Bambi. I'm out here getting my ass kicked and every time I drive down the road I wanna jerk the wheel INTO A GODDAMNED BRIDGE EMBUNKMENT.
Also when he and Richard are sitting on the bench and if collapses:
The funniest part in Heros would have to be when Farly climbs the tree to get the egg and the bird comes and knocks him down the tree and he is hitting every single branch on the way down
The snl skit with sandler and some other dude and chris all dressed up like girls eating french fries an chris eats em really fast and stuff. One of them goes "um could you leave some for us" , another one "yeah i thought you were spoused to be on a diet" the chris is all like "LAY OFF ME IM STARVING" in a really manly voice.
Tommy Boy- Fat Guy In a Little Coat Airplane Bathroom The Deer Tommy's pitch with the toy cars Paul urinates on generator "The salesman has left the building!" Paul gets his privates crushed Tommy mistaken for a criminal-twice Paul and the dog
Almost Heroes- The eagle egg scene Hunt getting angry about learning ABC's