I would have to say the best scenes are from "Black Sheep" and "Dirty Work."
The two from "Black Sheep" are when the cabin gets hit by the boulder and everything slides to the one side but the fridge and then after they look at it it gets pulled loose and slams into Chris Farley and he says something about the pudding from the fridge falling into his pants and David Spade says, "we didn't have any pudding in there." The other is when they are in the cop car and need to get around the construction and they get on the intercom explaining how they are authorized to drive through the construction zone. While doing this they leave it on and are like, "Haha, they think we are real cops." Then they hit a bumb and David Spade says something like, "I think we hit a chunk of something," and Chris Farley says, "I think I just chunked my pants." LOL
The best, however, is from "Dirty Work" when they are about to have the fight in the bar and Chris Farley's Character goes over to the jukebox and is like, "It is time for some fighting music, YAAAAAAAAA, STREETS OF RAGE, G7!!!!!!" and the guy next to him says, "you just pushed G8," and Chris Farley goes "what?" and then it starts playing "If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain........" and so on as the people in the bar beat the crap out of each other! LOL!